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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Over the last year, we have had to find ways to adapt to living our day-to-day lives from the comfort of our home. The shift in our lives has forced us to cope with the unknown, and do all we can to take care of ourselves and others. As we find ways to have fun at home, whether it’s binge-watching a new Netflix show or having zoom nights with your friends, we have also explored the world of self-care. In our fast-paced lives, it can be easy to forget the essential steps to living a healthy lifestyle for the mind and body. From face masks to meditation, the world of self-care is ever-growing. 

happy woman removing a face mask
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

I asked a friend, currently a remote student, what her self-care looks like. Caroline Forman (Kenyon, 2024) says, “I allow myself to take breaks when my body needs it. I love sitting with my dog. I also have a new hair routine and have been trying new fun hairdos.” Her new favorite thing: candles. “I’m currently trying to find scents that make me feel calm.” Her top favorite candles are Chamomile and Lavender, and White Coral Must from Amazon. We have all been feeling the stress of the world around us, and having school on top of it can be a good distraction, but also stressful. 

Through quarantine, I began to try new things like making soaps and candles and experimenting with essential oils. I found that doing those things was essential to my self-care. At home exercising has also become extremely popular, as people need to let off steam and get up from long days sitting at our desks. Although most people now find themselves exercising through learning Tik Tok dances, there are other ways to get your steps in. YouTube offers great at-home workouts from Zumba to HIIT to Yoga. Personally, I have found yoga and meditation to be a large part of my routine, as it gets me moving my body and also helps calm my mind. Luckily, I am taking a yoga class this semester, so it’s hard to avoid it even on those days where you just want to watch a new Netflix special.

myths about gymming, women in fitness 4
Photo by CHU Gummies from Unsplash

I called my friend Jenna who lives in Nashville, to see what her idea of self-care is. As a remote student, she says her form of self-care is “driving around listening to good music.” Her favorites right now are The Killers and Cage the Elephant. She also told me about how she’s found it really important to “take time to reflect and be herself.” Spending quality time with her family has also been key. Although being a college student at home is not ideal, there is a gift we have been given to spend time with family that otherwise we might not have had. It has been a hard and stressful year, to say the least, and being able to carve out time to decompress and take care of ourselves in whatever way fits us, is necessary to get through it. Find what works for you, and prioritize yourself.

self care isnt selfish sign
Photo by Madison Inouye from Pexels

Jess is currently a freshman at Kenyon College. She grew up in New York City, where she pursued acting and singing for over 6 years. Her passions include mental health awareness, advocating for survivors of sexual assault, social justice, hiking, meeting new people, and playing with her big Bernese Mountain Dog. When Jess isn't in remote class, you can find her listening to music, doing yoga, hanging out with friends or binge-watching Netflix documentaries.