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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Gratitude is simply the act of showing thankfulness or appreciation for something. Sometimes when you’re going through the worst, it can feel taxing to even think about being grateful for anything. But think about this:even in the worst of times, you’ve got at the very least one thing tobe thankful for. Here are some tips to keep you in the spirit of gratitude:

  1. Journaling

Journaling over recent years has been acknowledged as very therapeutic for a variety of reasons. One such reason is that it helps you to release thoughts that burden you onto paper. In this way, it provides a sense of relief. Here’s a new thing to incorporate into your journaling process: no matter how odious your day has been, write down at least one thing that you are grateful for in the day! 

  1.  Keep in the spirit of remembrance

We are often encouraged to forget the past and look to the future. This is not a bad idea, however, looking to the future may hold some anxiety because the future hasn’t happened yet. I would challenge you to look to the past and detect things that kept you going. This will enable you to survive the present. The past leads to the present and having made it this far deserves even the smallest amount of thankfulness. 

  1. Think of the present

I know I said that you should look to the past as a lens of remembrance, but reflecting on the present is also key to feeling some gratitude. Look at your present conditions and the benefits you enjoy. Take a moment to realize that someone somewhere may not have what you do. You might be in school, and someone somewhere may be yearning for the same opportunity, but lacks the amenities or funding to pursue their education any further. You may have only had one meal today, but remember someone else may hardly eat at all. Don’t take your present for granted; enjoy the journey and it’ll encourage you to be thankful through it. 

  1. Do things that make you happy

Another way to stay grateful is to participate in things that bring you joy. For instance, if you enjoy reading, pick up a book and get into it. If you’re anything like me— and perhaps you enjoy niche things such as watching booktubers rant about books— go for it! This is going to bring you a sense of fulfillment which in turn elicits gratitude. 

  1. Pray 

If you are a believer in God, it helps to know that there’s a being above you and beyond your understanding that cares for you! If this is you, pray. Prayer helps to alleviate anxiety in knowing your future is covered and makes you grateful in the sense that your present is secured.

  1. Appreciate your support system

Think about your friends and family. You definitely have at least one or two people in your corner. Take the time to show some love to the people who have helped you in every season of your life. This is one of the best ways to show gratitude, in my opinion.

I hope these few gems help you to remain grateful this semester. Have a lovely day and week!

Samantha is a freshman at Kenyon College. Reading is never a chore and writing is one of the many things that keep her sane. She is the author of the blog named, " Tales from Sammy". She hopes to be a published writer one day with a New York Times Bestseller’s Title. She also enjoys drinking tea and eating chocolate chip cookies!