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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Valentine’s Day. There is a love hate relationship when it comes to celebrating this holiday and it’s easy to understand why that is. Traditionally Valentine’s Day is a specific time that we shower those who we are dating or strongly like with gifts, cards, candy and more. If you aren’t in a relationship with anyone you might think it’s silly to even acknowledge the holiday or you may develop a dislike of the holiday. The original way to celebrate Valentine’s Day has changed throughout the years and thank goodness it has. Now, we express our love and appreciation for everyone in our lives that mean something to us. This year you may feel as if you don’t have a Valentine, maybe you don’t have any plans. Take a moment and think about this. You’ve always had yourself; you’ve always had someone to share Valentine’s Day with.

 This year, I say try taking a new approach to Valentine’s Day, spend the day loving yourself in all the ways that you can. Being your own Valentine is 1000% okay. It doesn’t make you weird, it doesn’t mean you’re lonely. Choosing yourself on the day we heavily celebrate love is more special than celebrating it with a significant other or friends. It’s important to show yourself love because if you don’t love yourself first, then others won’t. The way that you love yourself sets the example for others of how they should love and treat you.

So how exactly do you become your own Valentine? Well, that’s easy, the same things you do for others do for yourself in a different version to make it more personal and intimate. Recite a few positive affirmations in the mirror, put on a nice outfit, do your hair in a beautiful way. Or buy yourself flowers, your favorite drink or even give yourself a cheat day to eat whatever you want. Indulge in self-love and treat yourself to breakfast at OverEasy, an acai bowl at The Fruit Stand or Tacos at Barrio.  

If you decide that you want to stay inside and not go out in public, there are plenty of activities to participate in. Grab your favorite snacks and turn on your favorite movie. Check out your local 5 Below or Dollar Tree for some painting supplies to create a fun canvas, read your favorite book, or play your favorite playlist. Participate in whatever activity you want, something that brings you a sense of joy because you deserve it!

Some people might think being your own Valentine is corny and that’s also okay. If you choose to celebrate the holiday, do it as you see fit. You don’t have to go out, buy things, eat, or drink anything. You can simply wake up and look into the mirror and say, “I Love You”. Valentine’s Day isn’t about materialistic things, proving that you can spend it alone or even for social media. Valentine’s is about spreading love, so spend the day loving yourself. 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

London Green

Kent State '23

Hi, I’m London Green. I am a senior journalism major with a minor in fashion media. I love creating content that is relatable to everyone.