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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

It’s that time of year again! Spring semester has finally arrived and it’s time to get back into the swing of things. It is definitely stressful to jump back into the college routine after a month of relaxation and binge watching Netlix, but don’t fret! We have the best five ways to de-stress this semester and take your mind off of textbooks, professors and tough schedules!

1. Music Therapy

Sometimes, all it takes is the right playlist to give us the feels and send us into a whole other time. Personally, throwback jams are my favorite and always bring me back to a place where I was most happy.


2. Take a hot shower

Showering does a lot more for you than just good hygiene. Taking a hot shower helps to relieve muscle pain and opens up your pores. When you’re in the mood to just take a few minutes to clear your mind, this is the best option.


3. Yoga

You’ve all heard how doing yoga provides relaxation and serenity. So, if you’re someone who is particularly active or likes to work out, yoga is the best way to relieve stress for you. If you’re not really into yoga, just try “the downward dog”. This pose allows you to stretch out your whole body and to curl up in a ball all at the same time.        

4. Feed your body

Drinking tea is essential in de-stressing and de-toxifying your body. But it’s not just tea that calms us. Eating is actually a huge stress reliever. Sometimes we forget to eat when we’re stressed and don’t put the right amount of nutrients into our bodies which just makes us feel even worse! So, go ahead and snack on those chips, it’s okay to find comfort in food sometimes.

5. Color

Coloring is one of the first activities we learned to do when we were toddlers. However, coloring now can bring us back to that sense of creativeness and make us feel carefree. Coloring with a purpose allows us to focus on something more fun rather than homework.


Lexi Marco

Kent State '20

Lexi is a public relations major with a marketing minor at Kent State University. She acts as a CC and Social Media Director for Her Campus Kent State and has been active in the chapter for two years. You can find Lexi at a local coffee shop or at her home in Youngstown, Ohio playing with her dogs. Instagram- mexilarco Twitter- leximarco
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.