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5 Tips to Help You Start Going to the Gym Even if it Scares You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

I used to joke that I was allergic to the gym, or sweating in general. I’m not kidding. I dreaded going to gym class my entire life, and felt relieved when I finally got to college and no longer needed a PE credit. I still felt this way until about 6 months ago, when I started strength training. It has completely changed my mental and physical health, and become a part of my everyday morning routine. The only reason I waited so long to get into the gym was because I was scared. I won’t lie, the gym is intimidating at first. But, so is everything you are trying for the first time. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks for the gym that have helped me along the way, and things I wish I knew earlier!

Go in with a plan

One of the reasons I was hesitant to go to the gym was because I had no idea what I was supposed to do there. Dumbbells, benches, and cables, oh my! Knowing what movements and exercises to do is just half the battle of going to the gym. But, there is an easy fix to this problem! Go to the gym with a detailed plan of what exercises you’re going to do. Plan what exercise, how many sets, reps, and the weight you’re going to use. Find a routine that works for you!

If you’re in need of a workout plan, there’s many resources online and fitness influencers that post workouts on social media. But, I would recommend finding a program that fits your needs and goals. Using  a workout program is the best way to ensure you are working every muscle to its fullest potential and maximizing your time in the gym. A program that I found results from was Whitney Simmons’ Alive by Whitney app, which you can download on your phone. She has a range of different programs you can choose from, from beginner levels to advanced. I began my fitness journey with her 6-week Alive Beginner program and it seamlessly introduced me to the gym and eased me into the bigger compound lifts. The app also times your rests, shows videos of how to do the movements, and provides warm up and cool down stretches. Using her app is like having a gym buddy with you at all times!

practice at home

I’d say that my second greatest fear of the gym, next to knowing what exercises to do, was knowing if I was performing them properly. Form is very important when weightlifting, because the last thing you want to do is injure yourself. So, I would practice some of the movements in my mirror at home. Yes, it sounds completely silly, but practicing the movement at home and knowing what it’s supposed to feel like helps your confidence when you’re doing them for real in the gym! I did this by looking up YouTube videos on how to do certain exercises and practicing in the safety of my bedroom. If you’d like to watch videos and learn the correct form yourself, I would recommend Naomi Kong’s YouTube channel. She has beginner-friendly videos about exercise form and how to use gym equipment. Also, if you’re unsure of your form while you’re working out, don’t hesitate to ask an employee! I’ve done this multiple times, and every time they were happy to help me out. 

Wear clothing that makes you feel confident

This may sound like a given, but I can’t stress how important this one is! Feeling comfortable in what you’re wearing gives you so much confidence, and confidence leads to a better workout. Whether you feel best in an oversized t-shirt and shorts, or a matching sports bra and leggings set, wear what makes you feel good. People wear all types of outfits in the gym, so there’s no wrong answer of what to wear (following your gym’s dress code of course). Also, there’s no need to break the bank on expensive gym clothes! I found a lot of my favorite gym staples at TJMaxx and Walmart.

Warm up and Cool Down each workout

I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t always warm up and cool down religiously. But now, they are both a part of my workout that I look forward to! I use the time I’m warming up to play slower music, think about my day, and reflect. Plus, it’s super important to stretch before lifting to ensure you don’t injure yourself. As for the cool down, I’m usually dead at that point and need to catch my breath before walking back to my car. But, if you want to alleviate the feeling of soreness, warming up and cooling down is super important. Don’t skip it! Your muscles will thank you later.

Remember that everyone started somewhere

The gym can be an intimidating place. It’s easy to feel intimidated by the gym bros or compare yourself to the other women in there. Keep in mind that everyone in the gym had to start somewhere! Everyone had to step into the gym for the first time. Everyone in the gym has felt intimidated at some point or another. Heck, everyone in there has probably made a mistake! Basically, even the most experienced “gym rats” were just like you in the beginning of their journey. And, if you follow the tips I listed above, most people will think you’re a seasoned lifter anyway.

Hi! I'm Ashley and I am currently studying Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication at James Madison University. I also have a minor in Political Science. I serve as the JMU Her Campus Chapter's Senior Editor on the Executive Board. Thank you for taking the time to read my articles!