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5 Easy Ways to Deal with Stress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Stress: a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from demanding circumstances. Stress is something every college student experiences on almost a daily basis. Whether it’s the stress of a long distance relationship or a big exam, we can all relate. It becomes a part of our daily lives. The real challenge is, how do we deal with this stress? Here are five quick and easy ways.

1. Yoga & Meditation

Yoga is a practice that works your mind, body and soul. It is a practice used by many to reduce stress. Yoga has a philosophy that emphasizes being present in the moment and letting go of things you can’t control. Yoga practices control breathing and meditation that can lower blood pressure, and bring true relaxation and inner peace. Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmingly stressed, I go into a child’s pose for a few minutes and focus on relaxation.

2. Color

As adults, we often lose touch of the simple things that made us happy as children. Coloring allows you to slow down and focus on a simple mindless activity that causes you to express your creativity. Go out and buy yourself a fun coloring book! Take ten minutes to color a pretty picture and see if it calms your busy mind.

3. Essential oils

    Essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Some of the best essential oils for stress are lavender, rose, vetiver, ylang ylang, and more. Carry a small bottle of lavender around with you and apply it to your pulse when you’re feeling stressed or anxious! I carry a small thing of lavender in my bookbag or purse at all times. Whenever I’m feeling stressed I just put a little bit of lavender on my wrist. Works everytime.

You can purchase essential oils in Harrisonburg at Kate’s Natural Products on University Blvd.

4. Play a quick jam

    Music has a strong impact on our emotions and sometimes listening to a song is all we need to feel relaxed. If you’re feeling stressed about that exam, take a minute and listen to a song that puts you in your happy place.

5. Burn incense

Different types of incense, such as sage and frankincense, can reduce stress and also help with anxiety. Some people believe incense can release negative energy and ease tension. Burning incense is often used for meditation and other relaxation practices. At the end of a long day, burn some incense and just let yourself to unwind.


Hello! My name is Jessica Pink and I'm a Media Arts & Design major at James Madison University. My concentration is in journalism and I'm getting a minor in both creative writing and environmental studies.
Rachel graduated from the Honors College at James Madison University in May 2017 and is pursuing a career in the media/PR industry. She majored in Media Arts & Design with a concentration in journalism and minored in Spanish and Creative Writing. She loves spending time with friends and family, traveling, and going to the beach.