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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

With the weather starting to heat up and winter being left behind, the focus of most college students is SUMMER! But with summer comes short shorts, dresses and skimpy bikinis. Worrying about shedding those few winter pounds you put on with Christmas cookies? Didn’t get to the gym because it was too cold outside? With the 12 weeks of Kayla Itsines’s Bikini Body Guide and hard work, you’ll be satisfied with the results, and it’s easy to do at home! I know from personal experience.

After becoming a fitness instructor, Kayla realized that she could combine her knowledge of fitness and health to help girls feel beautiful and strong in their own bodies. “When I was young, I always said: “I don’t know what I want to be. I just want to help people.” Fitness has become my passion, and I now get to help women around the world every single day. I hope to inspire you to be the best you can be,” Kayla said this to her BBG girls.

When I first began the 12 week guide, I must confess that I did not do them correctly. This is how it works: You are given four certain exercises that you are to do for the given number of time, for 7 minutes straight. Then, after 30 seconds of rest, you move on to the next four exercises and do the same thing. Once you have finished the second set of exercises, you repeat it all again. Once I got the hang of it, I was able to receive the full, toning workout either for my arms, abs or legs.The one major key you need to know before doing these guides is you will not see the transformation you wish to see in simply two weeks time. If you want to see a difference, you must continue to do these exercises as the guides instruct, and by the end of the 12 weeks of guide 1, you will certainly be feeling and looking healthier. Lastly, just going along with the guides each day but eating unhealthy will not help improve your body! For me, it was drinking at least six glasses of water a day, and cutting down on my intake of carbohydrates. Eggs became my best friend over the summer! On Kayla’s Sweat With Kayla app there are also several ways to help you eat healthier, with recipes and daily meals to help you along the way.

Not only did I see a difference in my body, but I noticed a difference in the way I felt and the way I carried myself throughout the day. Whether you are concerned with the time it takes to do these guides or if you will be able to complete it, the guide gives you a few weeks of pre workouts to help you lead up to the official start, and it only takes a total of 28 minutes! I highly recommend using Kayla Itsines’s Bikini Body Guides and becoming one of her boot camp gals. From  my personal experience and over thousands of other girls who are facing some of the same workout struggles that you are, I ensure you that you will get the results you’ve been looking for.


(Monthly membership: $4.61/week. 3-Month membership: $54.99/3 months)

I am a sophomore Fashion Merchandising and Management major. Along with contributing to PhilaU's HerCampus, I am a member of Fashion Industries Association and captain of the Philau varsity volleyball team. I love music and I love to dance, & I may have an addiction to Instagram and online shopping. If you don't find me either outside or reading a good book/magazine, you may find me watching TV (too many shows to keep count). My dream is to become a buyer for a large retail company in New York City, & to contribute even a little to a magazine on the side would be the complete package.