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Should you be taking cold showers?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

New year, new me! Or at least that was the saying before 2020. This year, 2021, let’s not focus on becoming a new person but somewhat adjusting our habits, mindsets, and flaws to become a better version of our current selves. With that in mind, I want to draw attention to something very insignificant but also something that has made its rounds on Productivity Tiktok:

Should you be taking cold or hot showers?

A lot of Productivity Tiktok has been saying 5-minute cold showers are the way to go, but this was one trend I wanted out of. So, I did the research and will summarize the pros and cons of cold and hot showers.

Cold showers are beneficial in many ways. One of them is they allow you to become more alert physically and mentally with increased heart rate and blood pressure, and a rush of the coldness to your brain. Some studies show that cold showers allow for a more robust immune system. Moreover, they can also lend to a better mood if you take them in the morning or after a workout. Likewise, they have been shown to reduce particular pains, inflammation, and stress. A non-scientific fact is that many believe cold showers build willpower and mental strength. I think the trend originated in Silicon Valley through a TEDxTalk with Joel Runyon. Many people started to take cold showers to build mental strength and dedication. It’s positive stress, which helps you deal with other stressful or uncomfortable situations in your life. My thoughts on whether I agree with this would be a completely different article, but for now, if you are complacent and not stressed with life, then maybe check out his TedTalk. The cons of cold showers are that they’re not that great for you in the winter. They’re also not ideal if you are sick.

So, what are the pros of hot showers? First off, they are known to relieve stiffness, cramps, congestion, stress, and pains. Likewise, some studies show that they improve cardiovascular, muscular, and brain health. Finally, studies show that a hot shower before you sleep can lead to better sleep. One of the pros that I find is that (especially in a pandemic) is that hot water will get rid of all dirt, pollution, and germs a lot better and overall makes you cleaner than a cold shower. The major con of hot showers is they are known to dry out and irritate skin and hair. The only solution to that problem is dialing down the temperature and taking a lukewarm shower or reducing shower time.

So now, looking at our small pool of research, it seems that cold and hot showers are equally balanced in pros and cons. So, what shower should you be taking? Maybe a mixture of both? Take cold showers in the mornings or after a workout and take a hot shower in the evening. Honestly, as long as you can fulfill a shower’s purposes, to become clean and relax, then do you. Until next time, take some nice showers.

Meeval Biju

Jefferson '24

Hello hello! I'm a student at Jefferson University. I love science, music, food, and sleep.