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Healthy Ways to Stay Active on Social Media

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

With the rise of social networking services, it can be difficult and often inconvenient to choose to stay away from them completely. Truth be told, even though we all love social media, it is no secret how harmful these apps can truly be. Here, I share some tips on keeping a healthy online presence.

Update Privacy Settings

If your account is personal and just for your use rather than a business or public figure account, having the ability to choose who views your content and what you like and comment on is a big factor that limits your risk of danger and protects your privacy and security. By only allowing people you know and are comfortable with to view these aspects of your life, you hold the power of your account in your hands.

Be Mindful of What You Share With Others

No matter if you have a private or personal page, it is important which components of your life you share. Many people have access to this and can use this for or against you, so just make sure you are fully aware of what you post and make sure it accurately represents your true self!

Engage Meaningfully

Similar to the last tip, engaging with other content whether through liking, commenting, or reposting, all comes with others watching your move. Ensure you think through your replies and double-check the posts you like so you will not be in any negative limelight.

Limit Screen Time

Shifting the focus from managing an account to limiting screen time, it is helpful to not let any app take valuable time away from your personal life apart from the screen. If you are an avid user, setting time limits on apps will certainly help devalue the significance of your online presence.

Do Not Stress About Likes or Views

Branching off the last tip, I know too many people who believe their likes and views define them. Rather than worry about how many people liked your selfie or who viewed and did not view your latest story, you should be thankful for those who have shown support and not stress over who may not have seen or liked what you shared.

Take Breaks

After all these tips, you may feel that social media leaves you too overwhelmed at times. During periods like this, it is important to remember you can always take a break. Going inactive or deactivating an account is never a bad decision. Always put your mental health first, and even if you take a break for a while, you can always come back when you are ready.

Do Not Let SNS Absorb You

Lastly, in the effort of all of these tips, do not let any social app absorb you. Being present in the 3D realm is much more beneficial than any app can be. Always focus on your mental health and living for yourself and never let what may happen online define you.

Cyprus Morgue is a sincere, dreamy student at IUP who writes articles on whatever they feel drawn to at the time.