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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Are you having a hard time not knowing what to do at the gym?

I felt the same way until my roommate and I started going. She shared her routine with me, and now I’m going to share it with you.

Glutes and abs

SL glutes bridge 3×8 (kb)

Russian twists 3×12 (kb) 

Sumo squat 3×8 (kb) 

Spider man 3×12 

RDLS 3×8 (kb) 

15 knee-to-chest crunch 

15 leg raises 

(kb= kettle bell)

Leg day

Leg press 3×8 

Hamstring curls 3×8

Heel elevated squats 3×8 

RDLS 3×8 

SL backwards lunge 3×8 

Calf raises 3×12 

Upper body day

DB bicep extensions 3×8 

Arnold shoulder press 3×8 

Chest fly 3×8 

Bicep hammer curl 3×8 

Lat pull down 3×8 

Bent-over row 3×8

Full body

Quad extension 3×8 

Triceps pull down 3×8 

Goblet squat 3×8 

Bicep curl 3×8 

BB Squat 3×8 

Chest press 3×8 

I’m going to add Band workouts below as well

Band workouts

For glutes:

Single Leg Circles 2×20

Fire hydrant 2×20

Glute Bridge 2×20

Frog kicks 3×8 

Standing Leg Kickback 2×20

Knee sit ups 2×20

Lexie Shaffer is a new member of Her Campus at IUP chapter. Her writing is going to span across everyday life and tips and tricks to help get started or finding your starting point. At IUP, Lexie is expected to graduating in 2025! She will be graduating with a major in Psychology and Minor in Criminology! Outside of IUP and HerCampus She works for Sally's Beauty, helping people with their hair concerns and questions. In her free time, Lexie likes reading mystery or romance books, playing with her pitty Cookie!