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Kristen Bryant-Girl Lounging Relax Logo 2
Kristen Bryant-Girl Lounging Relax Logo 2
Kristen Bryant / Her Campus
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

You worry a lot but that’s only because you care. 

So you reach out. 

You exchange pleasantries and the conversation shifts to, “How are you?” and you answer without really thinking too much about it. 

“I’m fine.”

You don’t think too much about it, not because no one has ever asked but because you never really had to think very much about it. It’s a complete sentence, a statement of fact. You’re fine. You are fine. You are fine. 

What does the word “fine” mean anyway? It’s a little arbitrary; you could have picked any word really. A word is just a word, an assortment of letters that have been assigned meaning. 

There are a lot of ways you can define a word.

The word in question is most often used synonymously with “okay.” 

Not good, not bad. 

Just okay. 

You spend so much time and effort checking in with everyone else that you’ve forgotten to check in with yourself, so I have to ask: are you okay? 

Michaela Shaw was the vice president and senior editor of the Her Campus chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania from 2020-2022. During her time as an undergraduate student, Michaela was also a member of Active Minds, Alpha Kappa Delta, the National Society for Leadership and Success, Sociology Club, and Psi Chi. She also volunteered with Hopeful Hearts, a grief support group for children and families. After completing an internship at Allegheny County Children, Youth and Families, she graduated in August with a dual baccalaureate in Psychology and Sociology and a minor in Child and Adult Advocacy Studies. She likes video games, reading, rainy days, vinyl records, Thai food, and spending time with her cat, Ron.