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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Indy chapter.

Have you ever had a painful swarm of butterflies fills your stomach? How about the feeling of your head swelling up with air? The air isn’t empty though, it is full of sharp pains and thoughts that make you shiver, and your toes go numb. These symptoms are some of the few I have when anxiety hits me. Some of us do not handle anxiety well. We often take anxiety and its negative impacts and negatively impact ourselves. Anxiety does not always have to be a scary game that plays with our minds. Let’s talk about a few ways to take care of ourselves when anxiety hits.

            The first step I do when I have an anxiety attack is to lay down. When I lay in bed my body relaxes me. I might turn on music and light a fall candle. I may even turn on a movie and it will distract me. Eventually, this will make me fall asleep. Sleeping is a good way to reset your mood and reboots your energy. I then wake up in a whole new mood and I feel like a whole new me. To add more of a luxury side, try and add a little bit of lavender in your life! Not only does this help you sleep but it helps you relax. All you must do is have an empty spray bottle, fill it halfway with water, add a few drops of lavender essential oil and shake! Spray a little bit of this concoction on your pillow or around your room and start relaxing!

            Alright ladies, next up is self-care. We love a good self-treatment! Start by turning on some of your favorite music and not the sad kind. Let’s start with your hair, grab some coconut oil, tea tree oil, or any oil of your choice. You can put a few drops in your hand and massage this into your scalp, this increases circulation and relaxes your head. Tie your hair up and let that sit for about 30 minutes and wash it out. If you even do this a few times a week this will help your hair growth over time. Now it is time for the facemask. I love the hemp face masks from Walmart, they are cheap, and I swear my acne goes away on the spot. Wash your face after your mask so no residue is left to clog your pores!

            Something more gender-neutral is writing and drawing it out. When I was in therapy my therapist suggested this and it helped a lot. I would get so lost into drawing and writing that I would forget why I was upset. I know that men are probably more on the side of being angry and taking a walk. This is not a bad idea either. Walking may take up time, but it gives you time to clear your mind and it creates a chemical that makes you happy. Do not forget that talking about your thoughts is good too! Staying silent is not good and getting it off your chest will help you greatly. You are loved and you are important, always remember who you are! 

University of Indianapolis 2023 Nursing Major Criminal Justice Minor Navy Girlfriend <3
Campus Correspondent of Her Campus at Indy/ Class of 2022/ Marketing and Political Science / Feminist/ Aquarius