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Workouts to Make You Feel and Look Your Best

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Back to school is the perfect time to get into a routine and start planning your workouts each week! Whether you’re working out with a group or prefer to work out alone, these workouts are great ways to stay active throughout the school year. All of these workouts are things you can easily do at your local gym, or at home. Remember to only push yourself to your capabilities, and know that improvement will come with time. Good luck!

1. Total Body

Total body workouts are great for when you’re feeling extra motivated and want to work all your muscles! This specific workout is divided into three rounds, with cardio added in during each round. Keep in mind that all of these steps can be modified for your level. Even if you can’t do we rounds on the first try, know that you will build up to it in time!

2. Abs

Ab workouts are the perfect workout to prioritize when you’re wanting to strengthen your core and tighten up your tummy! A strong core will help you with every workout you do, so it’s smart to try and add in abs every time you go to the gym. The best part about this workout is that it requires zero equipment, which is perfect for anyone wanting to workout at home or on the go. Remember to perform each exercise for one minute. This workout includes several plank variations so get ready to feel the burn!

Exercise includes:

1. Plank to dolphin

2. Push-up

3. Plank tap

4. Forearm side plank with twist

5. Bicycle crunch

6. Plank to downward dog

7. Diamond push-up

8. Lateral plank walk

9. Boat pose

3. Arms

This arm workout is not only fast, but is also effective! In 15 min., you’ll have worked your biceps, triceps and shoulders. Designed by Kelsey Wells, certified trainer and creator of the SWEAT App’s new PWR At Home program, this workout only requires a set of dumbbells and a resistance band. Perform the first 3 moves for 40 sec., repeating 3 times through. Perform the last two exercises for the number of reps recommended.

Exercise includes:

1. Shoulder press

2. Tricep kickback

3. Bicep curl

4. Side to front raise- 15 reps

5. Tricep extension- 20 reps

4. Legs

This routine will not only tighten up your legs, but also your behind! Take advantage of this quick 20 min. routine of exercises that anyone can do. This workout is all about pushing yourself to do as many reps as you can in 50 seconds. Complete the workout three times total. Get excited for leg day!

Exercise includes:

1. Feet-elevated glute bridge

2. Lateral step-up shuffle

3. Bulgarian split squat

4. Sumo bent-knee deadlift

5. Squad jacks

Source 1 | Source 2 | Source 3 | Source 4

Sam Schrage

Illinois '20

Hi everyone! I am currently a senior at the University of Illinois studying journalism and public relations. I am also the co-campus correspondent for the University of Illinois chapter of Her Campus and am excited to be leading a team of great women this year. I love fashion, music and travel and hope to write for a fashion magazine after graduation.