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How to Create the Ultimate Finals Survival Kit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Finals season is quickly approaching and with it, an influx of obscenely long papers, impossible exams and neverending projects. Whether it’s for yourself or for a friend, a survival kit can be the perfect way to maintain some sanity during this crazy time, especially since online classes are making it harder than ever to work together. Here are some of the best ideas for a DIY finals study kit that’ll take you from stressed to blessed:

1. Food

Laptop and notebook
Photo by Nick Morrison from Unsplash
Every finals season, the first thing to slip away is almost always nutritional habits. It’s so much easier to grab a cup of instant ramen instead of dragging yourself to the dining hall or your kitchen to have a healthy meal. So whether it’s healthy alternatives to instant meals, snacks like granola bars that’ll keep you going, tea/coffee packets, or even just a gift card for meal delivery, it’s important to make sure you can stay healthy and thriving this week.

2. Comfort Items

Books, harry potter, nescafe cup, lights
Photo by Sadiq Nafee from Unsplash
We all have those moments when everything just feels way too overwhelming to deal with. There’s too much to do and not nearly enough time to do it, you haven’t slept in three days and motivation is dropping fast. Having some comfort items around like stuffed animals, fuzzy socks or slippers, a calming tea like chamomile and your favorite books/movies can be helpful in providing you with some relaxation through this stressful time.

3. Self-Care Items

woman with white towel on head and face mask
Photo by Polina Kovaleva from Pexels
You might not have time for your usual skin care routine, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep a few quick items around to help relax and feel fresh when you have a break! Face masks, lip balm/scrub, an aromatherapy diffuser and a good moisturizer are great to have handy.

4. Study Supplies

School supplies on desk
Photo by Matt Ragland from Unsplash
There’s almost nothing worse than being in the groove, grinding your way through everything you’ve got and then realizing your highlighter’s out of ink or you’re down to your last notecard. Adding some basic items like pens, highlighters, notecards, paper and headphones to your kit can keep you in that zone for as long as possible.

5. A Treat for When It’s All Over

person wrapping gift
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Have you been meaning to buy yourself something nice but haven’t been able to justify it? Now is the time- buy that new book, cute sweater or adorable Squishmallow for yourself to use when it’s all over and done. You deserve it!

Mehek Kapur

Illinois '23

I'm a sophomore at the University of Illinois double majoring in English and Organizational Psychology and Vice President/Recruitment Advisor at Delta Kappa Delta.
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