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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

            I never thought I’d say this, but college has helped me become a better chef. Since it’s the first time we’re all away from our moms’ intricate home-cooked meals, we’re literally starting from square one. Like many others, I started off chowing down on macaroni and ramen regularly, and occasionally dabbled with a grilled ham and cheese sandwich. Not surprisingly, this was my “round phase” and to get out of this funk, I knew I had to step it up not only in the gym, but in the kitchen. I thought I’d list a few of my favorite go-to meals that are carb, dairy, and sugar-free that will boost your energy and make you feel like you really are bettering your body.


1. Turkey Burger with Brussels Sprout and Sweet Potato Hash

This meal is so simple that you really can’t give the excuse that you’re too busy to cook. Heat a quarter of a sweet potato in the microwave before chopping it up and throwing it in a skillet with quartered Brussels sprouts and a Butterball turkey burger. Note: you can use any brand, but my roommate and I are obsessed with the flavor and juiciness these have. Sprinkle salt, pepper, and Cajun seasoning over everything and you have yourself a meal!

2. Veggie Egg Omelette with Bacon and Half a Grapefruit

This is a delicious breakfast that only takes about 10 minutes to prep. You can use whatever veggies you want, but in mine, I typically chop onion, tomatoes, and sweet potato to heat in a skillet with olive oil. Crack and mix two eggs in a bowl, and throw them into the skillet once the veggies are sizzling. I then like to de-stem baby spinach to put them on top of the eggs. In a separate pan, lay two pieces of bacon in a heated pan with olive oil for about 3 minutes per side. You can also heat up bacon in the microwave, but I think it tastes better when it gets slightly crunchy in the pan. After a few minutes, check if the eggs are cooked by running a spatula along the edge – if they’re done, flip them half over to form a half-moon shape. You’re now ready to plate and serve! 

3. Spaghetti Squash Carbonara

Before this recipe, I had never even thought of cooking or consuming a squash, but trust me when I say this dish is phenomenal! To cook a spaghetti squash, you first need to pop it in the microwave for 5 minutes, cut it in half, and spoon out the seeds. Lather some olive oil, salt, and pepper on both open halves before setting them in an oven heated at 400 degrees face down on a cookie sheet for 30-35 minutes. While that’s cooking, prepare bacon (as shown in the breakfast recipe above) as well as one egg yolk and ¼ cup coconut milk in a large saucepan. Once the squash is done, rake both sides with a fork (it’s actually a very satisfying task!) and place the squash in the saucepan to heat with the sauce and chopped bacon. Sprinkle parsley on top and dig into your guilt-free feast!

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