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Health & Fitness: Work Out with your Beau this Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

This Valentine’s Day mix it up! Don’t limit yourself to the typical movie night with your significant other. Instead, grab your guy and hit the gym! This can be a really fun way to spend some time together in a productive and meaningful way. What’s sexier than breaking a sweat at the gym with your beau? Check out these couples workouts for some ideas on how to break a sweat with your boy on the most romantic day of the year.

Healthy Competition

Challenge yourself and your partner by creating little competitions at the gym. This can help you to push yourself harder and to make the most of your workout together. Competitions can come in a variety of forms, from cardio to weight training. Try and find the answers to these questions together: who can rung longer without needing to walk, who can hold a plank longest, who can hold a wall-sit longest or who can do more push ups?

Fitness Classes

Sign up for a fitness class with your partner on Valentines Day! Both the ARC and CRCE offer many different workout classes each day. Classes typically meet once a week, so you can use it as something to look forward to each week with your partner. Some fun and fit classes to try together include partner yoga, indoor rock climbing, turbo kick and spinning.

Build Some Muscle

Males oftentimes dominate the weight room, which can be pretty intimidating to us women. However, strength training is a great way to boost your metabolism, tone up and spend some time with your guy. By going into the weight room with your significant other, it can help to lower the intimidation factor that comes with being in a room full of sweaty and muscular men. Additionally, you can work in on each other’s sets, allowing for plenty of recovery time. Using dumbbells or weight machines that allow you to easily adjust the weight are great time-saving options for this.

Partner Stretching

You can improve your flexibility with the help of your partner. While you are stretching, have your partner give you a gentle push, and vice versa. A little push can go a long way for your flexibility, which can come in handy.

Couples’ Cardio

There are tons of ways to do cardio with your partner. Go on a run with one another, find cardio machines like the elliptical next to each other, bike together or even hit the ice skating rink. No matter what cardio you choose, your hearts will be beating faster than ever!