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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

As the new year of 2023 has begun, many people start over and begin New Year’s resolutions. People tend to want to pick up better habits like going to the gym more and doing more self-care as the new year rolls in. I have been very into self-care for a while now, so I am always interested in finding new things to do for myself and improving my mental health and overall well-being.

I feel that I am very good at being productive throughout my weekdays even when I get stressed and tired. Therefore, I wanted to give my advice and some tips on things I do throughout my week that feel good for my soul.

1. Working out

First off, I love working out. I have noticed in my own opinion that I think a lot more people do go to the gym nowadays. Whether it is just walking on the treadmill for twenty minutes, I always walk out of the gym feeling good. It truly does make you feel amazing afterward. A routine I have developed lately is getting up at a decent time in the morning, and working out and showering before my first class for the day. I do not have super early classes this semester, so it gives me plenty of time to get sleep, wake up, work out, shower and eat breakfast before heading to my first class. It makes me feel super productive, motivated and more awake going to the gym in the morning. But I do love a good night workout or workout class. Working out overall is so good for your physical and mental health and is definitely something I recommend doing for yourself!

2. Meditation

Another thing I have been doing lately for myself and another mental health booster is meditating. I know it can sound strange to some people but the more I have done it and been consistent with it, the more I see it working. The cool thing about meditation is, there is no right or wrong way to do it. I personally just take time to sit and close my eyes for a few minutes. I tell myself daily affirmations and reassure my mind when I often find myself overthinking in aspects of my life. I find the calmness of the quiet within my room and relax my breathing. I have noticed an improvement in my mental health and my confidence in doing meditation either at the beginning of my day or at the end before I go to bed. It is such a small exercise that can make a big difference in your mood.

3. Gratitude journaling

A third thing I have been doing for over a year now that I recommend everyone do is keep a gratitude journal. My roommate had one last year when I was going through a hard time, so I bought a gratitude journal. It forces you to find the positive parts of your day even when you are feeling down or having a bad day overall. It is an activity that takes less than 5 minutes of your time. You can buy a gratitude journal that gives you prompts to write about which is what I had. I have already filled my book out, so now I just have a journal where I write at least three to five good things about my day. This is something I recommend everyone do for their mental health. You will find yourself having more gratitude and positivity in your life.

3. Staying organized

Personally, I am someone that gets very stressed and overwhelmed easily by my schoolwork. Something that keeps me sane is my planner. I love getting a new planner every school year. Not only do I make sure it is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but it makes me remember all the important dates and deadlines I need to get done, especially with my schoolwork. I have a habit tracker within my planner as well to track the things I do weekly like working out and my gratitude journal. Every week I enjoy sitting down and writing down my schedule, due dates, goals and habits for the new week.

4. Rewarding myself

Lastly, don’t forget to reward yourself! This can come in so many different forms. I personally love getting myself coffee. I have been getting coffee a little too often that it might not even be a reward anymore, but I still love treating myself to one! Even just watching tv or reading in my bed with a candle at the end of the day is such a reward after a long day.

Overall, don’t forget to take care of yourselves! Both physically and mentally. It is important to do little things for yourself that make you happy and feel good within your mind and body. These are just some tips on the things that make me feel good.

Lexi Jurkus

Illinois State '24

Hi, I am Lexi Jurkus. I am an English Teacher Education major at Illinois State University. I have loved writing since I was young, writing is like therapy to me. Therefore, I wanted to open myself up to the opportunity to try different ways to expand my writing!