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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Lifting seemed like something I was not capable of doing, like I would never be strong enough to do it. Even going to the gym the squat racks were full of men that appeared to look like they knew what they were doing, it was intimidating. But the fear of others judging you and the mindset that you are not being capable are not true. Lifting is empowering, and anyone is capable of doing it. Here are a few reasons why you should start lifting!

  1. Great Way to Destress
  2. Gaining Strength
  3. Empowering
  4. Working towards Healthier Lifestyle

Here is my current workout split for some inspiration!

  1. Leg Day ( twice a week)
    1. Bulgarian Split Squats- 2 sets of 8x each leg
    2. Back Squat with Bar- 4 sets of 8x
    3. Romanian Deadlift with Bar- 3 sets of 8x
    4. Kas Glute Bridge with Bar- 3 sets of 8x
    5. Calf Raises
    6. Quad Extension Machine- 3 sets of 8x
    7. Stretch
  2. Push Day- Chest, Triceps and Shoulders
    1. Bench Press- 3 sets of 8x
    2. Shoulder Press- 3 sets of 8x
    3. Skull Crushers with Barbell- 3 sets of 8x
    4. Chest Flies- 3 sets of 8x
    5. Lat Raises- 3 sets of 8x
    6. Core Circuit!
  3. Pull Day- Back and Biceps
    1. Bench Dumbbell Rows- 3 sets of 8x each arm
    2. Bench Curl- 3 sets of 8x
    3. Lateral Pull Down – 3 sets of 8x
    4. Face Pulls- 3 sets of 8x
    5. Cable Pullovers- 3 sets of 8x
    6. Functional Core!
  4. Cardio Day: Spin Class, Run 2 miles, Pilates Class, Walk on a Incline for 2 miles

For all of these exercises you can use whatever weight you are comfortable with and as you progress add more! Lifting has made a big difference in my life and has empowered me in many ways. Just know that everyone starts somewhere and YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, YOU ARE CAPABLE and YOU ARE STRONG !

Emily Arizmendi

Holy Cross '25

My name is Emily Arizmendi and I'm a junior at Holy Cross. I'm a Political Science and English Major from Zion, Illinois.