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Prepping for Finals Before You’re Forced to Cram

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

While some may be singing that the next few weeks are the most wonderful time of the year, college students lockdown and prepare for sleepless nights of finals week studying. Stressful to say the least, finals week acts as the most dreaded time of the year.  Get ahead of your finals and use these tips to help you study BEFORE you are forced to cram. 

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Make studying as important as homework and make a schedule for it.

Set aside designated study time. No, that does not mean writing down “Study 2-5 pm” in your planner. Try to write specific study times for different subjects, and make a goal for that time. For example writing “Study French Chapter 1 & 2 from 2:30-3:30 pm”. Writing things down and holding yourself accountable for studying is a great way to make sure you focus on specific work during a specific time. Also- there is no better feeling than checking off that empty box when you finish.


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Make a study guide.

Believe it or not, being forced to make study guides in middle school will actually pay off in college. There is no better way to study than to take all important information from your notes, and put it all together. Study guides may be time-consuming, but they will be so helpful in the end. When you are studying and are stumped on a question, rather than digging through your notes, you can turn to your compact study guide and find the answer. 


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Rewrite notes.

A task as simple as rewriting or typing your notes can help you study for your finals. While you may think copying down notes will not have much of an impact on your studying, your mind is subconsciously revisiting information and retaining it. No one is able to take neat notes in class and keep up with the professor’s fast pace. Take some time to get creative. Color code at a new set of notes and learn facts you skipped over while copying them down so fast.


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Form a study group.

Chances are, many people in your class are just as scared for the final as you are. Be bold and take action to ask your classmates for their numbers and plan a time to meet. Working in a group is a great way to bounce ideas off each other and study in an effective way. If you have a question on a particular lesson, one group member may be an expert

Tip: go into the group study session prepared. Look over your notes or study guide first so that you can pinpoint where you are struggling. A way to avoid the fear of awkward group silences is to talk about the subject at hand. Preparing questions ensures that you will not be leaving the session more confused than you started.



Photo Courtesy: Stefiakti 

Replace the Red Bull with a water.

If you are relying on an energy drink to focus, you have become the ultimate procrastinator. Energy drinks will just make you feel more tired and defeated in the end. A crash is sure to come once you finish your jittery studying, and you will definitely regret drinking it. Water is an incredibly important studying aid. It helps keep you focused, hydrated, and motivated to study. While it may not jolt you awake like an energy drink, drinking water will help you concentrate and feel better for a longer time.


“Our brains depend on proper hydration to function optimally. Brain cells require a delicate balance between water and various elements to operate, and when you lose too much water, that balance is disrupted. Your brain cells lose efficiency.”  – Joshua Gowin Ph.D.