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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Let’s face it, college is hard. With class, clubs, work, and a social life all crammed into one schedule, trying to keep track of everything happening is stressful. There are a lot of apps on the market that boast organization and productivity hacks, but very few of them follow through and stand out above the crowds. There are 5 apps in particular that come in handy to any busy college student, who is trying to stay on top of their game.

Planner Pro

Imagine every app on your phone that you use to stay organized: notes, calendar, notifications, photos, etc. Now, imagine all of those apps combined into one convenient app. Planner Pro allows you to everything that you would typically do across several apps in one; this way you save time by not having to go in search of information saved in different places.

Daily One

There are plenty of journal apps to chose from, but Daily One offers many multimodal features that make it a life saver. The app allows users to add daily entries that can include text, photos and videos, voice memos, calendar notes, and freehand drawing. However you prefer to remember a day, jot down notes, or keep track of your schedule, Daily One has a medium for you. In addition, the digital format, the app offers a direct link for you to save your journal as a PDF or to have it printed in book format. So, if you desire to turn your journal into a scrapbook homage to your college years, you can order a print book with just the click of a button.



Whether you’re trying to ration out a small meal plan or organize your income, Fudget will come in handy. This app allows you to set savings goals, input all income and expenses, and easily convert the data into a spreadsheet. You can also set up separate savings goals and share them with others, so if you are planning a spring break with friends, you can all see your savings plan.

Cozi Family Organizer

If you live in a space with multiple roommates, it is can be difficult to organize all dorm/household things with everyone without some information getting lost to a misread text or a forgetful mind. Although Cozi is an app intended for families, the general features of the software can be useful for anyone living with people. The app can be used to set house-wide reminders, coordinate schedules, and create shared lists. The list feature in particular is extremely helpful, not only when creating grocery lists as advertised by the developers, but it can also be used to create to-do lists for all residents to see and participate with. By having everything regarding your household in one app, it makes keeping track of everything home related easier than ever.


One Second Everyday

Life, especially in college is all about the journey, yet oftentimes in our busy schedules, we forget to focus on the small, positive things in life. This app challenges its users to take one second every day to photograph or video something special in the moment. Although this is not directly related to organization, by having that simple second of meditation, you are able to take a step back from the general hustle and bustle and reflect on what represents each day of your life. You may be surprised by what defines your everyday, and it may encourage you to organize your life in a way that better fits your goals.

There is no denying that while in college, you often develop a fast paced and jam packed lifestyle. No one needs the added stress of missed deadlines or poor planning, when there are so many resources available to help. Ward off stress with just five free apps to download on your phone!

Cecilia is a double major in Publishing Studies and Writing Studies Major. Originally from Annapolis, Maryland, she has a small addiction to sweet tea and online shopping. On campus, she is a member of the Hofstra English Society, Working Title, Overbooked, and Her Campus (essentially all the English clubs). She is also a tour guide, a writing center tutor, and an intern at Simon & Schuster.