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A Crispy Delight for Healthier Movie Nights — Home-made Rye Chips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Traditional options for movie snack such as candy, chips or popcorn are of course delicious for a reason, but for an excessive Netflix-consumer such as myself, it’s necessary to find healthier options as well to satisfy the need to munch on something while watching a movie. As I’m more into savory goodies rather than sweets, I need more than just berries or carrot sticks to fulfill my cravings. In recent years rye chips have taken the Finnish snack market by storm, but the price can still be a bit hefty for a student, not to mention the amount of fat they sometimes contain. The idea behind rye chips is still excellent, so I decided to try to recreate them myself. Turned out, rye chips are surprisingly easy to make, and most importantly, cheap! Without further ado, here’s my recipe for crunchy home-made rye chips:


4 pcs of rye bread (e.g. Vaasan Ruispalat)

2-3 tbsp olive/sunflower oil



garlic powder 

dried chives

What to do:

Start by slicing the bread into smaller bites, approximately 10 pieces per slice. Put the pieces into a bowl and mix in the oil by hand. Add the spices, season to your own liking, and mix well. Spread the pieces on a baking tray covered with greaseproof paper and bake in the oven approximately 10 minutes in 200°C. The baking time can vary depending on the oven so keep an eye on the chips, which are ready when they start to turn darker on the edges — the chips will turn extra crispy once they cool down. Sprinkle with some more dried chives, add salt if necessary, and enjoy with hummus, guacamole or as they are!




An English major who suffers from continuous wanderlust and too-many-books-too-little-time syndrome.