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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

There’s a misconception around people who are fitness oriented having the perfect, healthy lifestyles 24/7. It’s probably one of the biggest things people ask me, how do you fight temptation all the time? How do you go to the gym everyday? How are you always motivated? And the answer to all of those questions is, “I don’t and I’m not”.

It’s not always easy to stay on track and I’m okay with that. Fitness isn’t a linear journey, there are ups and downs. Very frequently I feel unmotivated or like life takes over in aspects that are more important than hitting the gym. And although I take a step back from fitness, whether it be from a vacation, stress getting in the way or being someone who just wants to start somewhere, there are many ways to get on top of where you want to be physically and emotionally.

For me, getting back on track begins with understanding why I want to get back on track. What is motivating me to begin or restart my healthy lifestyle? It could be anything, wanting to feel healthy, feel confident in your skin, a desire to reach a specific goal, to improve your mental health, use it as a de-stresser or even just to look good naked. This isn’t an easy part of getting back on track, but the first step to making this possible is by deciding then and there that your new lifestyle is beginning. Put down the unhealthy snack, begin then and there. Don’t just start tomorrow. Once you determine your why and set your sight, you can then proceed with a plan.

Understanding why may come easy to you, and that’s when you have to develop a plan to help guide you. This doesn’t mean creating a plan that involves every rep, set, exercise, etc., this just means deciding how many days a week you’re gonna go, when you’re going to go to the grocery store and pick-up healthy food options; determine when your gym time is a priority and how you will incorporate good nutrition into your daily life. This can be as simple as beginning your plan with saying “I’m going to take the stairs to class instead of the elevator” or simply eating an apple over getting a Starbucks drink. Your plan does not have to immediately define your life, take small steps and ease into your new lifestyle.

Make this journey a priority in your life. Every person has a different reason, goal and mindset when it comes to being healthy. Stop comparing yourself to others because if you do, you will fail. Personally, my physical health is directly linked to my mental health. The more of a priority you make this within your life, the more likely you are to feel the difference from the inside out. Getting back on track is about you; your pace and your needs. Follow your own journey and in doing it for yourself, you’ll be back to your old self in no time.

There’s one thing you can always count on and it’s you. If you’ve fallen, get back up one more time. Two more times. However many times it takes, but remember that you’ve done it before and you can do it again. We should only fall in love with ourselves and the journey, I have faith in you!


I grew up in Long Beach, California and made my way to Oahu to achieve my degree in Kinesiology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I plan to pursue a career in the sports medicine field as either an athletic trainer, sport performance trainer or to work within the fitness tech industry. I have an overwhelming passion for fitness and health, playing competitive sports throughout my life has instilled the importance of one's physical and emotional well-being and fueled my desire to study and practice healthy living in my everyday life. I am president of my sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, and one of my main goals is to ensure each one of my sisters is healthy mentally and emotionally throughout their college experience. Outside of my sorority, that's equally my goal in writing this column for you guys. There is so much importance in remembering to put your physical and mental health first and my hope is that my writing can help instill that into each of your lives as well!
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