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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

All over the world, people are in some form of lockdown, navigating this new time that we are experiencing. For many, this has caused an increase in the stress and anxiety felt throughout the day. There’s so much uncertainty floating around, and constant newsreels focusing on coronavirus only aggravates the degree of fear many are feeling. However, we have the ability to transform our reality at any given time; with the right tools, you can break free from anxious cycles and find peace during any hectic situation. If your anxiety and stress have become especially acute lately, try these three ways to practice self-care while at home to achieve a calmer state of mind.


Move Your Body

Working out has far-reaching effects that extend beyond physical benefit. Moving your body on a regular basis also works to increase endorphins while releasing stress hormones, thus improve mental health. Find some time to dedicate to yourself and get that blood flow pumping. Whether that looks like a few miles of jogging or just a gentle yoga flow, do what feels best for you.


Mediation is a great way to find stillness in the most stressful of times. Perhaps try just 5 minutes of sitting in a crossed-legged position, with your hands resting comfortably in your lap. Draw your focus to your inhales and exhales. Or, listen to a guided mediation on Youtube. I recommend mediations by The Honest Guys.

Do Something Creative

Indulge your creative side to stimulate your mind and mix things up during your day. Paint, write, bake, or do something else that sparks your creativity. Setting aside some time each day to express yourself is a great way to relieve stress and slow down anxious thoughts by shifting your focus onto something else.

Hopefully, with these three ways to practice self-care during these unprecedented times, you can find some peace of mind in your day to day life. Despite what happening right now, the important thing to remember is that the current state of the world is temporary; things will once again return to normal. While we can’t change what happens around us, we each have the ability to control our internal circumstances, so don’t allow your anxiety and stress get you down.

Ashley is currently a junior at Boston University. She is majoring in conservation and ecology biology with an interest in marine and wildlife conservation. In her free time she loves to practice yoga, read, create wellness content for her instagram @soulfullyashley, and surf when she can make it to the beach.
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