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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Original Illustration by Gina Escandon for Her Campus Media
Dear my beautiful reader,


When I first heard that Georgia State was going online, I was ecstatic.


Like any other college student, I was excited that I wouldn’t have to spend money on bus fare, I could wake up whenever I wanted and would have more free time.


Little did I know, those hopeful and positive thoughts would quickly turn into hopeless aspirations that could not be fulfilled happily. 


Who would have thought that this quarantine would trigger my depression again? 


If you’re anything like me, right now, is a struggling time. It feels like these four walls are laughing back at me. It feels like I’m struggling to breathe. I feel heavy, like I’m drowning in a sea of negativity. 


I don’t have much, but what I’m offering you, today, is my support. You’re not alone. If I could hug you, I would. If I could hold your hand and wipe your tears, I would.


My friend, please keep your head up. Think as positive as you can. Take deep breaths. You got this. 

Hands forming the shape of a heart
Pexels / ATC Comm Photo

Don’t let your sorrows get the best of you. When the enemy sneaks up on you, fight back. Go outside and let the sun soak inside you. Do some jumping jacks or yoga or even meditate. Call a friend and vent. Cry your little eyes out if you need to. Blast your music to the skies and dance around. 


I can’t tell you enough that you got this. I believe in you like I believe in myself. Don’t let your depression sweep you up again. Don’t let it cover you with darkness and drag you into a corner of isolation.


If you want a friend to talk to, you can DM me on my Instagram: @chatchat___. I’m not a professional therapist or anything like that, but I will listen to every word you say. 


You got this, my friend. We’re going to get past it together, I promise.


With love,




Chasity Drake is a senior at Georgia State University. She is currently studying journalism with a minor in psychology. In Chasity's free time, she loves to write poetry and short stories.
The GSU chapter of Her Campus