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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Have you ever found yourself harboring feelings of self-doubt? You know you are capable of achieving great things, yet you can’t seem to silence a small yet rude voice in the back of your head.

Woman in bed
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz from Unsplash
This voice may tell you that you’re a fraud even when you succeed at a goal you’ve set. It may cause you to evaluate your personal worth based upon your accomplishments. Or perhaps it’ll cause you to sabotage your own success. This voice is known as Imposter Syndrome. If you can relate to this, this article is for you! Here are some ways to silence that voice:

1. Adopt a “Me vs. Me” Mindset

If you are constantly comparing your success to others, you’ll never be content! You can’t find joy by observing someone else’s life. You can only create it by focusing on yourself and your own accomplishments.

Whenever you find yourself feeling down due to someone else’s success, take a pause! Grab a pen and paper, and write down all that you are grateful for thus far. You have such an abundant life! More is on the way, but sometimes appreciating what you have is the quickest way to turn around any negative emotions.

Decor for zodiac
Photo by Timothy Paule II from Pexels

2. Be Unapologetically You

You belong in every room you enter. Your light deserves to be shown to all that you encounter. Know this. Don’t ever shrink yourself because you feel as though others might not accept you or that you’re too different. Differences are great! You are so unique and made to stand out. Fitting in is not realistic.

By remaining unapologetically you, you automatically will exude confidence. This confidence will create a comfortable environment for you no matter where you go simply due to the fact that you know you are staying true to yourself. You’ll find yourself speaking up more and believing in your innate abilities.

There’s so much power in who you are! I love a good exercise, so the next time you feel like shrinking, place yourself in front of a mirror and recite, “my gifts are one of a kind and unique to me.” Recite this while doing a power pose, and I’m positive it’ll instantly hype you! 

3. Surround Yourself With Loved Ones

So you know how your mom can post a picture on Facebook of you, and everyone is absolutely in love with the picture even though it’s of you throwing up a peace sign in an old t-shirt? Well, this is why I adore Facebook! No matter what, your loved ones think everything you do is absolutely amazing.

When you hear something enough, you start to believe it. Being surrounded by loved ones will give you this same “Facebook-euphoria.” I mean seriously, try telling one of your best friends that you feel like a fraud and watch them hit you with all the ways that you are not. Most importantly, they’ll listen and allow you to share these very valid feelings without any judgment. You deserve this. Allow them to be your support system.

Sign that reads “you are worthy of love”
Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

You are now prepared to overcome Imposter Syndrome. It won’t occur overnight, but if you implement these tips daily and remain consistent, you’ll notice yourself evolving! Consistency is the greatest challenge here. Make self-love and positivity your new norm! You are not a fraud. You are worthy of the space you reside in and so much more.

Regina Price is a senior at Georgia State University majoring in neuroscience with a pre-medical concentration. She is the current President of STARS, a mental health organization on campus that works to eliminate the stigma! Regina aspires to be a doctor and leave a positive impact on the world with the aid of science. In her spare time, she loves to give back to the community, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy various forms of art.
The GSU chapter of Her Campus