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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Via Pixabay

Ladies, you only get one face and it’s very important to take care of it! Everyone has problems with their skin, whether it be dry, oily or combination. As gross as it is, everyone has built up grime, dirt and sweat from a long day. It’s important to cleanse your face and make sure it’s getting the nutrients it needs for your skin to stay healthy. These masks are some of the best out there to maintain moisture, shrink and cleanse pores, as well as maintain an overall radiant appearance while on a budget.

Formula 10.0.06 Get Your Glow On Skin Brightening Peel Mask: $7

Via Pinterest

Right off the bat, what I loved about this product was the enticing sweet papaya scent. It has a gel-like texture that needs to be applied evenly on the face so it can tighten and peel off after 15 to 20 minutes. I would recommend using this mask 2 to 3 times a week to see an overall change in complexion. This mask is very gentle and the type of mask that works great on all skin types to brighten, moisturize and target acne-prone areas. I love that this product provides ample moisture without being greasy like some other masks. It also improves the dark circles under your eyes over time which is great for those of us that never manage to get enough sleep.

Glamglow MULTIMASKING Set: $39

Via Sephora

Okay, yes, this set is a little pricey but that’s because there are 6 mini masks compared to one normal tub for $24. This multimasking set includes a variety of 6 masks that treat all of  your skin concerns.

SUPERMUD is a general mask that is used to even out the skin and fight blemishes. YOUTHMUD is a brightening mask to soften skin and leave one with a supple glow as if they just had a facial.

GRAVITYMUD tones and tightens skin, while THIRSTYMUD hydrates and replenishes much needed moisture.

FLASHMUD and POWERMUD both clean and detox the skin in order to leave the face looking healthy and vibrant. The great thing about having all the masks is various masks can be applied to different problem areas of the face.

My favorites are combining the FLASHMUD, THIRSTYMUD and POWERMUD to cleanse all the built-up dirt and oils off my face, rejuvenate my skin’s moisture and leave a lasting, healthy glow. As long as you aren’t using the masks every single day they tend to last a while despite the miniature size. I would highly recommend for those with combination skin who needs something different for all areas of the face. These masks are also great to use before going out to give a naturally glam glow. HA! See what I did there?

Freeman Anti Stress Clay Mask Dead Sea Minerals: $4.30

Via Pinterest

This soothing mask is a bright aqua color that will instantly relax your facial muscles. It spreads smoothly all over the face , dries quickly and is easy to wash off after 10 to 15 minutes. The mask is infused with sea salts that work to replenish moisture and take away dead skin. The calming lavender smell also helps you to relax and get away from everyday life. While this does help with superficial blotches and acne, for deeper cleansing of pores and blackheads, try the Freeman Charcoal and Black Sugar Mask. I personally tried this mask during a girls night after a very stressful week. Not only did it instantly make me feel more relaxed, it left my face feeling refreshed and grime free. I also love all the cute selfies I got to take while my skin was a bright blue. Definitely a great mask for a cheap price. I would highly recommend it to everyone on a college budget looking for lasting results.

                                                                       Related: I Tried It: Rubber Face Mask

Lush Bunny Moon Jelly Face Mask: $14

Via Lush

For those with more sensitive skin, try this mask infused with chamomile, honey and vanilla. It is a gentle paste that is applied to the skin for a quick 10 minutes before being rinsed off. It will leave your skin feeling rejuvenated from moisture. It’s also a great product to use with acne to lock in moisture without further irritating the skin. I personally used it when my face was particularly dry and a tad flaky from the harsh February cold. It managed to not only even out my pink undertones but make my dry patches on my nose dissipate virtually overnight. It also left a nice dewy feel on my skin rather than the sometimes oily feel moisture masks can create.

Tarte Tight & Bright Clay Multi Mask: $40

Via Tarte Cosmetics

While this mask is a bit pricier, it’s worth every penny as a little bit goes a long way with each application. Normal jars lasts 3 to 4 months depending on the frequency of use. The main ingredients include amazonian clay, jojoba and almond oil. Used in combination, the purple mask detoxes and tighten pores while the gold cancels out redness as well as brightening the under eyes and cheeks. This is another mask that’s great for those with sensitive skin as all of Tartes products are hypoallergenic. I personally think this mask also works great as a pore shrinker and exfoliant that has immediate and lasting effects.

Garnier Skinactive 2-In-1 Clay Cleanser and Mask: $6

Via Garnier USA

This serves both as a great daily mask or a mask to control sudden breakouts. I recommend only applying it to problem areas rather than all over as it tends to dry out and shrink pores, as well as already existing pimples. While it is meant to wash off after 10 minutes, I tend to sleep with it on overnight for best results, especially because it doesn’t come off on my pillow like so many other masks do! This mask is best for oily skin, but also serves as a great acne-targeting product for all skin types. My only recommendation would be to use in combination with a moisturizer if you suffer from extremely dry skin like me. It also does a great job of cleansing dead skin cells and leaving the skin looking refreshed.

Alba Botanica Hawaiian Facial Mask Pore-Fecting Papaya Enzyme: $7

Via BeBeautilicious

This is another affordable hypoallergenic mask that not only smells fantastic but leaves your skin looking radiant. This mask is made of entirely natural products with the main ingredients being aloe vera, pineapple and papaya extracts and Vitamin B5.  This mask does not dry on the skin, but should still be left on for 5 to 10 minutes. I was actually surprised that I could use this product with my sensitive skin, as there was a slight tingling at first, without any residual irritation. Instead my skin looked radiant and firm while feeling softer than normal. It’s one of those products that does not require everyday use, rather only 2 to 3 times a week will do! The purpose of the enzymes is to break down dead skin cells and leave the skin feeling refreshed.

The masks mentioned above are all great for varying skin types and while some are a little more pricey, they’re all worth it in the end. Give them a try!


Jennifer Muchnikoff

George Mason University '20

Currently a Senior at George Mason University, I am a Communications Major with double concentrations in Public Relations and Journalism. When I'm not focusing on being a Staff Writer and Social Media Editor for HerCampus, I am an active member of Zeta Tau Alpha or interning at ABC7 News!
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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