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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Unlike New Year Resolutions, we’d like to think of semester resolutions as more achievable. They’re only implemented when school is in session which, fortunately for us, isn’t all twelve months of the year. School year resolutions require smaller steps that are easy to stick to and flexible, especially in a students’ hectic daily schedule.If you feel like you’re ready for a change and want to #LiveYourBestLife, here are 5 easy resolutions that will lead to a successful semester.

1. Go to your professors’ office hours

If you’re anything like I am and find yourself constantly hesitating to ask a question in class, then office hours are the way to go.  It can be intimidating to raise your hand and ask a question in a class of 80+ students. I can’t stress enough how much office hours have helped, especially in larger classes where your professor doesn’t often have chances to learn your name. During office hours, professors realize that you’re still motivated and interested in the class. Professors also have certain things they prefer in assignments and office hours are a great way to talk to them about what they’re looking for. For example, I had a professor who told me that the citations didn’t matter as much as the length of the paper. They’re a great way to get to know your professor better and make use of other resources they might offer you that could lead to network opportunities and internships.

Via ImgFlip

2. Eat healthy and take advantage of the free gym on campus

In the adult world, people spend about $100 dollars a month or more for a gym membership. Mason has three gyms on campus including the Recreation Athletic Complex (RAC), Skyline and the Aquatic and Fitness Center (AFC). You can use these gyms for free with a student ID card. An added bonus is the Aquatic Center jacuzzi, which is perfect for when you’re feeling sore after a workout.  Make time this semester to prioritize your health and use these facilities. They’re paid for through your tuition, so don’t pass up on them and waste your money! There are also tons of healthy dining options provided on-campus. Hit up the salad bar at Southside or request fresh grilled chicken instead of your standard hamburger. Staying healthy in college is easier than you might think.

Via Giphy

Related : 15 Anxieties We All Have At The Start of a New Semester

3. Smile at people more and make a friend or two in every class

A general rule of thumb for me has always been to make a friend or two in every class. That way, if I can’t make it to class, I always have someone to contact for notes. Even group projects get less awkward when you make friends in the class. When it comes to the challenging courses in your major, chances are you’ll see the same people again and again. You can also form study groups and share questions you think might appear on the exam. At the end of the day, you’ll at least have friends to moan to about each class and how stressed you are.

Via Unsplash

4. Put that expensive planner you bought to good use

We’ve all been tempted to buy those cute planners made by Lilly Pulitzer, Erin Condren and Emily Ley. If you own a planner, make use of it! There’s nothing that makes you feel more relaxed than seeing your assignments laid out in front of you and creating a game plan to tackle it all. Planners can also be used to keep track of your work schedule, organization meetings or coffee dates. Feel free to buy cute stickers or inserts to organize your planner and really personalize it.

Via Unsplash

5. Start looking out for jobs and internships that will help with your future

It is never too late (or early) to start looking for jobs and internships in your future line of work. You might be a sophomore that says you’ll look for experience during  your junior year, but then junior year rolls around and you’ve got nothing planned. Internships offer networking opportunities and can be a great way to see if you actually like the field you want to join. If you live on-campus and don’t have a car, Mason offers a variety of on-campus jobs. Career services is a great place to start looking if the job search overwhelms you. An added advantage is our close proximity to D.C. and public transit.

Via Giphy

Speak it into existence now, Collegiettes. Adopt these resolutions and you’ll really be #LivingYourBestLife this semester.


Nikita Fernandes

George Mason University '19

Nikita Fernandes is a Psychology major at George Mason University. In addition to writing for Her Campus, she is a part of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority and works as a daycare teacher. Her interests include educating people about social justice issues, reading poetry and watching TV shows with wine and face masks #selfCare.
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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