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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Contrary to misbelief, morning walks are far more than just basic exercise. While the physical benefits speak for themselves, in my experience, morning walks are also an opportunity to set the tone for your day.

For me, what seems like a simple stroll can be the perfect medicine for when my mind is restless, when I’m exhausted, or when my mood needs a lift. At this point in the year, I think I could use a dose or two. So, here are a few ways I make my morning walk much more enjoyable!

Walking in Style, but With a Smile

Setting the mood with a comfortable outfit is one of the most important steps for me to start the morning right. It’s not just about looking good but also about feeling good. After all, what’s the point of a walk if I’m not comfortable enough to fully embrace it?

I check the weather app and try to pick out everything I need the night before; nothing will make me feel more put together than waking up without rushing any decisions (and knowing that I don’t need to run any last-minute laundry).

Sneakers, practical jewelry, and my favorite athletic set are just a few ideas! Some more “extra” cute and comfy pieces I sometimes include for my walk are a tote bag, fitness tracker, and even a thermos of my favorite coffee or tea. That way, I can stay both warm and energized during this chilly season.

Challenging Myself

Setting goals in advance never fails to motivate my morning walk. Depending on what I want to accomplish, whether it’s peace of mind or getting my steps in, there are endless ways to challenge myself. I could try and reach a certain number of steps before a certain point on my playlist, with each morning setting a new record.

On a more creative note, pursuing a color walk is a fun, engaging way to promote artistic inspiration while also enhancing my camera roll. All I have to do is decide how many pictures I want and look for them in the color of my choosing. Say yellow, for example. I could do flowers, buildings, street signs, anything!

If that isn’t what I’m feeling that day, I could even try a new route or explore an unfamiliar side of campus to create a challenge for my walk. Who knows, maybe I’ll even stumble upon a new favorite study spot or hidden gem along the way!

Preparing a Podcast or Playlist

Coordinating a podcast in advance is another way I elevate my walk. I can enjoy being sidetracked by Trisha Paytas’s hot takes on social media, gossip about the latest Love Island drama, and the list goes on.

On the other hand, sometimes a traditional playlist is the way to go when I take the time to make one just for my walks. I decide what mood I’m going for, motivational, relaxing, nostalgic, etc…and then I’m all set! Calculating the desired energy in this way not only guarantees me that positive mindset but also gives my walk a sense of direction, like a playlist for my thoughts.

Bringing a journal

Journaling my walk and experience is a way I create a therapeutic atmosphere for myself. More than just a childhood memory of notebook paper covered in the treasure box stickers I was once rewarded for good behavior, it also serves as a powerful tool for easing my mind. By actively writing down my thoughts and reflections, it solidifies them as goals and directions.

More importantly, it’s a great way to relieve any stress from the week and pour it all out between the binding of the pages. Especially if it’s more personal, what better way to empty everything that’s on my mind if not on a walk? Whether it’s positive affirmations, ideas, or bursts of inspiration, journaling is an efficient way I personally track my mental health while simultaneously allowing emotional clarity.

Morning walks are my way to refresh, reflect, and start the day on a positive note. They’ve become more than just exercise for me!

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Hi! My name is Maddie Medwid, and I am a first-year student at Florida State University. I am hoping to major in Advertising with a minor in English on the editing, media and writing track. I love writing and I am so excited to pursue my interest in it with HerCampus!