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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

We’ve all been there: your agenda looks like the diary of a psychopath, you haven’t had time to shower in three days, sleep is a foreign concept, you’re out of clean clothes and it’s as if you can’t find a moment to breathe. In college especially, there exists this never-ending “hustle culture,” where we’re constantly going, going, going, but never once stopping to check-in and gather ourselves. As a result, we burn out, spending most days teetering on the edge of having a total mental breakdown.

Whatever society has conditioned you to think, allow me to sprinkle some truth into the mix: like a car needs gas to drive, you need rest – a moment to finally breathe –  in order to keep going. I can’t stress that enough. That’s where GYST comes in.

GYST is the revolutionary concept of “getting your stuff together.” I first learned about it from one of my most beloved YouTubers, Kalyn Nicholson. The idea is rather simple: pick a day that works for you in your weekly schedule and dedicate it to tying up all of your loose ends. This day is for you and you alone, for you to finally take that shower you’ve been forgetting to take and to reign it all in after what might have been a hectic week. GYST days typically include cleaning, planning and a lot of good ole’ self-care.

I started including GYST into my weekly routine back in August and all I can say is that it is an absolute game-changer. It fills my type-A heart with pure, immense joy, and allows for my mind to finally rest. Sunday (my GYST day) has blossomed into my favorite day of the week and because of my routine, I feel better prepared for the week ahead, ready to tackle whatever it is that comes my way.

I highly encourage you to give GYST a shot, even if it’s just sitting down with your planner while The Bachelor is on in the background. To help you get started, here is my personal GYST schedule. Feel free to mimic it entirely or tweak it to include the things that matter most to you in pursuit of your own unique routine. Remember – this is about you, after all!

Silver macbook by planner and flowers
Pexels / Alana Sousa

1. Recap

This is my weekly review! Here I sit down with my bullet journal and my monthly spread and consult my habits and accomplishments. I dedicate this time to completing any tasks I’ve been putting off as well as looking through any random notes I brain-dumped throughout the week.

2. Reset

Reset is spring cleaning of the most joyous degree. I tidy up my room as well as do some more deep cleaning. This is laundry time, for both clothes and bedsheets alike. I take out my trash, wash any dirty dishes and then empty out my inboxes, notifications and messages. This time is meant for sealing up all the remaining bits of the previous week so that I can redirect my focus to the week ahead.

3. Restart

Going back to my bullet journal, I lay out the coming week, making point of any upcoming assignments, exams, social events, appointments or things I simply just need to do. I like to plan out my workouts and my meals for the week. Recently, I started incorporating micro-goals into each of my weekly spreads. These are just little small things I hope to accomplish and mold the week around. Nothing major! My most recent one was drinking enough water every day.

4. Recharge

This is perhaps my favorite part of all my GYST days because it’s just about me. We spend so much time pouring energy into other facets of our lives – school, friends, family, extracurriculars – that we tend to leave ourselves out of the flow of good vibes. Recharge is my ensured time of self-care. For me, it typically looks like spending some time outside in the sun hammocking and reading (my phone: off), face masks and a warm shower, calling my amazing parents, journaling and spending time in my faith. Whatever replenishes my heart and makes me happy, I do, and you should too!

I hope that after seeing how I spend my GYST days, you’ll have discovered new inspiration to incorporate this amazing take on self-care into your weekly routine. It’s time to reclaim your life, ladies. Happy GYSTing!

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Sophia is a Sophomore at Florida State University pursuing a degree in Media Communication Studies and a minor in Spanish. Her passions include practicing yoga, baking, listening to Florence + the Machine, and growing her vinyl collection. When she's not writing articles for Her Campus, you can most likely find Sophia at any coffee shop within a five-mile radius of her home. That or in bed watching Gilmore Girls.
Her Campus at Florida State University.