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The Gym Is a Girl’s Best Friend: Rachel Drummey the Crossfit Queen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Rachel Drummey

Hometown: Bradenton, FL

Major: Biochemistry

Relationship Status: In a relationship with the gym (or single)

Her Campus (HC): We can already tell you are in love with the gym, but what exactly is Crossfit?

Rachel Drummey (RD): Crossfit is a fitness program that focuses on being well rounded and including all components of fitness. It includes weightlifting, cardio, and gymnastics movements. The goal is to keep workouts short by using “functional movements that are constantly varied at high intensity.”

HC: I know you just started the FSU Crossfit Club, Congrats! How did you go about doing that?

RD: I have friends who attend other schools that have extremely active Crossfit clubs, and to be perfectly honest, I was jealous. Florida State is a fantastic school and it was obvious to me that it was something we needed to offer to students. I talked to a friend that I met through Crossfit, Monica Shevock (co-founder), then we talked to the owner of a gym up here, wrote a constitution, and after a semester of meetings and work, got approved as a Recognized Student Organization through SGA.

HC: When and where are your Crossfit club meetings/workouts?

RD: We currently have two workouts a week: Sunday afternoons at 2:00 pm and Thursday evenings at 8:00 pm. All of our gym sessions are at Crossfit Blackbox, which is approximately a mile away from campus.

HC: What piece of advice would you give to those who haven’t thought about Crossfit until now?

RD: If you don’t currently have a workout regiment, it’s a great way to get started. Crossfit isn’t scary and is doable for anyone, no matter your current fitness level. We have certified coaches who will instruct you on exactly what to do. I used to be scared of the gym because I didn’t know how to use the equipment and got bored by myself. Crossfit gives you a community atmosphere that is great for beginners.

HC: How did you find the time to start a club and while also studying to become a Biochemistry major?

RD: Prioritizing and time management are the only way I make it. Crossfit serves as stress relief and my social hour. I actually have met some of my closest friends through Crossfit. With the club and a full class schedule, this semester has been crazy, but I love my major and I love Crossfit. Although I’ve lost some sleep (and at times, my sanity it seems), I’m doing it to get where I want to be and where I want the club to be in the future, which makes it all worthwhile.

HC: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

RD: New Zealand. That’s where they shot Lord of the Rings. I’m not even a huge fan of the movie series, but it has always seemed like one of the most gorgeous places in the world.

HC: What is your favorite brand of workout gear?

RD: I don’t think I can pick just one. Under Armour pants, Lululemon Athletica shorts and Asics spandex, just to name a few.

HC: What is your favorite type of food?

RD: Pancakes. Preferably with chocolate, but I don’t discriminate.

Hello all! My name is Kasey and I am currently an English and Media Communications double major here at Florida State. I have been with Her Campus for over a year now and write for the sports column called "Two Girls and Some Sports." I love ESPN and everything outdoors. Traveling is also a very important aspect of my life! I am infamous for binge watching Netflix, making cookies and playing volleyball any chance I get.
Her Campus at Florida State University.