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The Ultimate Hot Girl Walk Route on FSU’s Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

The phenomenon of a hot girl walk has taken the world by storm. No longer are people going on a simple stroll on the treadmill. Hot girl walks aim to get people outside and active while enjoying their workout.

On college campuses across the country, there are plenty of students taking hot girl walks. I know this has been something my friends and I love to do, as it’s a perfect way to get moving, breathe some fresh air, and relax.

If you’re lucky to attend the beautiful and historic Florida State University, then you know how great our campus is for a hot girl walk. Since I’ve gone on many hot girl walks at FSU, I feel that I’ve perfected the ultimate route. For this walk, we’ll start at the Westcott Fountain and end at Doak Campbell Stadium.

The Starting Point: Westcott Fountain

Westcott is, in my opinion, the most iconic landmark on campus. From being one of the first images that appear when you search “FSU” to holding many student traditions, it’s ideal to start a hot girl walk at this historic site.

Dodd Hall

After taking in the sights at Westcott, it’s time to officially start walking. My favorite place to head to is Dodd Hall. This starts the journey down Mount Diffenbaugh.

All FSU students know the quite difficult climb up this steep road to the Diffenbaugh building, which is why our route is going downhill instead. I recommend walking down this hill on Varsity Way and enjoying the tree-lined streets and historic dorms. At Honors Way, we’ll make a turn and head to the next stop.

Landis Green

Landis Green is one of my favorite spots on campus and perfect to walk through for the next phase of our hot girl walk. This stunning green expanse is where you’ll find many FSU students relaxing, talking with their friends, studying, or even throwing a frisbee.

This area feels like the epitome of those early 2000s movies that feature a sprawling college campus full of the student body lounging on the quad. You also never know who you’ll see here, from people bringing their cats to sunbathe to local musicians trying out their newest songs.

Legacy Walk

After crossing through Landis Green, it’s time to hop onto Legacy Walk. This path can be accessed right by the Strozier Library and the Bellamy Building.

Legacy Walk is a path all through FSU that highlights the University’s history and beauty on campus. While my hot girl walk doesn’t take the entirety of Legacy Walk, there are some gorgeous parts that should be part of the route.

This section of Legacy Walk is my absolute favorite, as you get to walk down a canopy tree-lined pathway and see historic landmarks, like the Integration Statue. For my hot girl walks, I’ll usually keep walking down Legacy Walk past Fisher Lecture Hall and the Dirac Library to the Chieftan Way and West Call Street intersection.

Chieftan Way

Walking down Chieftan Way, you’ll get a sunny view of many of our award-winning and terrific sports facilities. On one side, the Speicher Memorial Tennis Center is home to our outstanding men’s and women’s tennis teams. Continuing down this road, you’ll get a view of the Dick Howser Stadium and the FSU Flying High Circus facilities.

And finally, as we keep walking down Chieftan Way, the stunning Doak S. Campbell Stadium comes into view.

The Ending Point: Doak S. Campbell Stadium

Home of the 2023 ACC Football Champions, Doak Campbell is one of the hearts of our campus. The sunsets at Doak are phenomenal, and I always feel inspired being in a place where so much history has been made. Usually, as I get to the stadium, I’ll walk a little further to Langford Green, where I can sit down for a moment and relax.

So, next time you’re going for a hot girl walk, decide to go on your own walking tour of FSU. I’ve also learned that this route is perfect for giving friends and family who are visiting a quick tour of our beautiful campus. I love FSU, and this walk always makes me remember why I chose to come here. Happy walking!

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Sabrina is student at Florida State University studying media and communications with a minor in english. She enjoys reading, writing, and spending time outdoors.