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3 Simple Hacks for Getting That Spring Break Body

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Spring Break is a little shy of less than three weeks away. That is just about 21 days. 21 days to get that bangin’ bod that has everyone turning heads, but also that bangin’ bod that’s got you turning your head when you walk by a mirror or anything with a reflection. Here are three tips for those who need a bit of motivation to get that bod in the next three-ish weeks. 

1. Try not to drink as much alcohol.

Courtesy: The Odyssey Online

Now this can be difficult, especially for those who have a lighter schedule this spring or for those who want to spontaneously go out. But alcohol has a lot of calories. For those downing shots, it’s about 100 calories PER shot. SO even if it’s not a mixed drink, you’re not helping yourself much. And even for those of you sipping on the infamous “zero calorie” tequila water lime, this applies to you, too. Alcohol has 6 grams of fat per calorie, and fat has 9. So, pass on the liquid calories, and just wait to celebrate during SB.

2. Set your phone background to a motivational word text or the body goals you want.

Courtesy: Tumblr

We’re always on our phones, whether it be texting during class, scrolling through feeds or listening to a new playlist. Why not use this electronic to our benefit? Since we’re always on our phones, alter that wallpaper or lock screen to a motivational quote or the body goals you want, something that will remind you of what you’re trying to get: that bod, your best spring break bod, the one you’re most comfortable in. 

3. Choose one class to attend regularly at your local gym.

Courtesy: Physique 57

This is probably the easiest thing you can do, because it’s a short-term and long-term goal. Decide to go to one class at your local gym, yoga studio or whenever you can exercise in a group setting, regularly. So, if tabata kickboxing at 7 a.m. is your thing and you love it, make the minimal commitment to show up to it, however often it occurs, whether it be once a week or three times. Not only will you enjoy the time spent and it won’t feel too much like a workout, but the benefits will happen before you know it. 

It only takes 21 days to build a habit… whether it’s working out or eating healthy, cutting back a bit on the liquid courage or even choosing a class to be a regular at. But when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. These three changes could definitely result in a difference in your bod, and Spring Break you will thank you later. 

Just your average coffee addicted collegiate student trying to find their place in the world who likes books, talking (a bunch), and people. 
Her Campus at Florida State University.