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Recovering from a burn out- Tips & Reminders

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Framingham chapter.

It has reached that time- the semester is about halfway over and everyone seems to be freaking out. Sometimes it can seem as if everything is going wrong. People are not ready for midterms, seniors are freaking out about advising and registration, the withdrawal deadline and Halloween are upon us. There just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done. So, in searching for a solution you pick up more hours at work to make up for your already limited hours, you volunteer to keep everything together because others around you getting stressed, you no longer sleep, and next thing you know you just can’t take it anymore. Well, the problem is that YOU CANNOT DO EVERYTHING.

I understand the feeling. I am senior. I am currently in two capstones for my major, one of them being thesis. I am president of a club, and work two jobs. My computer crashed the other week and I spent over half of my savings on a new one and warranty. My friendships and relationships are failing because I simply do not have time. I have barely slept within 2 months and everywhere I look there is another person just as fed up as I am.

The thing you need to remember is that no matter how rough things get, you can always recover. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Your hard work will be for something, even if is just a paper saying you earned some degree. Here are some ways to help recover from your undeniable burnout.

1. Use a Planner

Keep track of things. Even if it is just making a list. Having that visual of what you need to get done can make the work seem less daunting, especially if you can cross it out as soon as it is completed. This way you can also see what are immediate tasks and what you can put off for later.

2. Say No

This is something that a lot of people have trouble doing. We like the idea of being dependable. It makes us feel important when someone says that they know they can rely on you. But there is only so much time and so much you can do until you reach the point of being mentally and physically drained. Or you become fed up with always being the person that others go to. It is okay to say no or that you cannot do something. Yes, you may feel bad but you shouldn’t be the person that everyone relies on. Your mind, body, and overall health come first. Don’t be afraid to say no.

3. Take Time for Yourself

It is okay to take a break. You deserve it. Take a mental health day. Even take a nap. Or spend 15 minutes eating alone. Watch a movie or catch up on your favorite shows. Go to the gym, take a long shower, or buy something new. Do something that is just for you, and only you. You can do those things with people any other day, but give yourself that time to just be you.

4. You Can’t Solve All Problems at Once

At this point in our lives we are in a transitory period, meaning we are almost to adulthood but still not quite there yet. Many of us tend to worry about things out of our control, such as what you are doing after graduation, loans, bills, funding, living situations, the future, etc. And yes, while these are all important parts of your life to figure out, make sure that your education still takes priority, because sadly you cannot take care of everything and stressing about it all does not contribute to solving any of the issues. It essential that you take things one step at a time. Don’t leap.

5. Talk Things Through- Ask for Help or Find a Support System

Sometimes talking to other people or just getting thoughts out loud can be a crucial part of getting through a rough patch. You can always talk to your friends, but there are resources on campus that can help you as well. Try going to an Academic Success Peer Tutor in CASA to help plan out your week and get some one on one time for help with work. Or go to the counseling center to talk about everything going on and get more support. Talk to your adviser, or your professors, if you need help. They are some of your best resources for your time here. It doesn’t have to be the people in your everyday life.

No matter how stressed or overwhelmed you become you can get through it. Think of the endgame, whether it is money, grades, a degree, your future career, or finding your best relationships. All of your hard work is going to be worth something in the end. Just don’t give up. It is okay to burn out, but remember you can stand back up again.

Marissa is a senior psychology major and photography minor at Framingham State University. She is an Academic Success Peer Tutor, SDA in the dorms. She is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Framingham and a Chapter Advisor. When she is not daydreaming, Marissa enjoys binge-watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Hulu and sleeping.