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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

I’m sure we’ve all dealt with the feeling of not seeming to be good enough, feeling insecure, being put into uncomfortable situations, being insulted…the list of ways we can be brought down is infinite. These feelings suck and usually they hurt, a lot.

There’s so many people in this world that will bring you negativity and that will try to dull the light you radiate. There will be interviews that you won’t get because the person didn’t believe in you. There will be bosses who will tear you apart and make you feel like you’re not good enough. There will be someone who will break your heart. There will be other women who try to make you feel inferior. And, there will be people who make it clear they don’t want you in their lives.

These are the people, who at the end of the day, are more hurt than you and have no other way to express themselves than onto other people.

But, how I like to think of it is that these people, the kind who bring you down, are put into our lives for a reason. Right?

What if every time someone got in your way and made you feel bad about yourself you stooped down to their level? That wouldn’t allow you to become a strong, resilient person. It wouldn’t allow us to learn how to stand up for ourselves and overcome these emotions.

Now, of course not all of us can be complete super-women, things are obviously going to affect all of us in different ways. But we can learn to not let it affect us as much. By simply remembering that you’re worth something more than what people try to make you out to be can benefit you in the long run in so many ways.

No matter how someone can make you feel, you’re in control of your own emotions. Showing the people who bring you negativity that what they’re doing won’t bring you down, stop you from being successful and being your own person means you’re already a winner. You’re already one step closer to becoming that super-woman. Don’t let them bring you down.





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