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5 Ways To Manage Your Menstrual Cycle Days

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Unfortunately, us girls go through this period (literally) of our life where we experience the aches and pains of a period. Some girls have the the cramps worse than others, but point blank: we all have to go through it. I know even for myself, some days are much tougher to handle than others, just because of the constant pain in my lower stomach and the lack of concentration I feel due to it. So, here are 5 ways I find make periods manageable on days where we have no option but to follow through with our day of classes, work, meetings, or whatever you may have on the books for that day:

  1. Before Your Day, Take The De-Cramping Pill

There are specific pills MADE for reducing the pain of the horrible cramps that come with periods. Some that I personally use are Midol, Pamprin, or Advil. Despite the amount of pain I wake up with, if I know I’m having a long day, I take two of these to at least subside the pain for the first half of the day. They come in handy when you realize you aren’t feeling as much discomfort as you usually do while in that class or at your job. These pills are mini miracle workers to say the least!


2. Get The Right Amount of Sleep

Do you ever feel 100xs more exhausted when your cycle begins? It’s like a cloud of sleepiness comes over you and you’re ready to just close your eyes and call it a day. I think we all experience this during our cycle, and the way I have always dealt with it was sleeping the correct amount of hours. The week you have your period, I would make sure to finish up any assignments that you already foresee attempting to make you get to bed later than normal. Why? Sleep is so important and if you already feel tired on normal days, when you have your period, you’ll feel that even more! Get your sleep. Prepare your body for the next day you are about to take on.

3. Warmth

Have you ever noticed when you put a warm towel or heated pillow on your lower stomach during your period, your cramps aren’t as heavy? This is because warmth is known to reduce the constriction of blood vessels and improve the flow of blood to the uterus. Interesting, huh? So, at night or in your down time, get your warm blanket, pillow, or towel out and place it over your lower stomach. Watch how much of a difference this makes!


4. Eat Well

These cycle days are the days to eat properly! Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all vital to keeping your energy up and just making you feel better throughout your day. As you feel your period is trying to drain you, you’ll see when your tummy is fuller you just feel better and happier. You need all the energy you can get on these days, take advantage of every course.

5. Shift Your Thinking

Sometimes, when we have our period, all we can think about it how it’s ruining our days. BUT, the greatest way to actual go through your period days is to try to give it as least attention as possible. We may think our body is shutting down on us because of how down we may feel, but really it’s working to maintain itself and in turn-keep us functioning properly. Try to stay focused on your daily tasks of the day and not stay stuck on talking, complaining, or whining about your horrible period. After all, it’s a sign you ain’t a baby momma yet and that your body is responding correctly to the cycle!!





2017 FIU Her Campus president