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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIT chapter.

I’ve learned that self-love is a journey with no destination. Self-love isn’t about doing everything perfectly, it’s about trying your best … and recognizing that you are doing your best. I’ve recently realized the importance of loving yourself, and how important it is to realize that you deserve the love that you give to others. I’ve personally struggled with these things, in the past and the present, and I’ve come up with a few indicators that show you posess self-love. I hope this personal experience resonates with some of you; I think it’s super healing to open up about these things and allow others to relate with their own experiences!

1. You don’t let others determine your self-worth

2. You can say “yes” to yourself and “no” to other people without feeling guilty about it. 

3. Someone’s success and happiness don’t make you self-loathe or jealous, but instead inspires you.

4. If you’re in a relationship, you’re not afraid to share your feelings, boundaries, wants, and needs; you are confident in yourself to freely express yourself.

5. You don’t let your parent’s/significant other’s/boss’s/anyone else’s expectations and/or opinions affect how you choose to lead your life. 

The list I’ve curated above are some things that I still struggle with today. From time to time, I find myself letting doubt and worries get the best of me. I still have a long way to go, but I recognize that and am proud of my growth so far. 

Hi everyone! My name is Maya Kristina Davila and I'm currently a freshman at FIT! I'm a fashion design major but I plan on becoming a stylist!! I love everything fashion and beauty related :) My Instagram is @maya.davila!!