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Sunday Scaries: How I Organize My Week So It’s Less Stressful

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Back-to-school season is officially in full swing. And you know what that means… SUNDAY SCARIES.  Do you feel yourself getting hit with a wave of stress, anxiety, and dread for the upcoming week when Sunday rolls around? After a relaxing and fun-filled weekend, it can be really tough to jump back into school mode and stick to a productive routine. However, I’ve got your back! These are a few ways to organize your week to reduce your stress and make your Sundays a lot more enjoyable. After all, it is half of the weekend! 


On Sunday morning, when you roll out of bed and all of your upcoming assignments start circling around in your head, try not to panic. Grab your planner! Schedule your week by planning each day, spreading out your assignments, and studying for different days. For example, if you have a paper due Friday, space out your progress over the course of the four days prior and set yourself up for success! Once you get your responsibilities down on paper, you will feel much better. 

Get moving!

Staying active is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress levels. A great way to set yourself up for a good week is to make an exercise routine for the upcoming week each Sunday. It does not have to be intense or high-pressure; it can simply be going for a walk into town with your friends or signing up for a yoga class at the RecPlex! Designating time in each day for movement will make you feel more relaxed and put you in the right headspace to tackle the week. 


Ice cream Mondays? Coffee date Tuesdays? A guaranteed Sunday Scaries cure is to choose days in your week for different treats. Get your friends involved and make it a weekly tradition! Little rewards for your hard work will go a long way and make Sunday night feel a lot less daunting. Organize your week with your favorite pick-me-ups for different days,you deserve it! 

Carve Out Time for Self-Care. 

While staying on top of academics, club meetings and commitments on campus is important, it is just as important to prioritize moments of self-care to recharge. Schedule time each week, whether it is once, twice, or five times, to let yourself decompress and relax.Putting on a facemask, painting your nails, doing a guided meditation, and journaling are all amazing ways to destress. Mapping out your self-care plan will lead to a way less scary Sunday! 

There’s nothing we can do to avoid Sunday from coming each week. However, these tips for organizing your week to help reduce stress will cure those Sunday Scaries and set you up to wake up with a positive attitude on Monday morning and own the week! Stay calm, you’ve got this! 

XO, Maggie 

Maggie McGinley

Fairfield '26

Maggie McGinley is a Sophomore Communication Major at Fairfield University with a minor in Marketing and Digital Journalism. Maggie is a current member of Her Campus and looks forward to contributing as a writer this semester! Beyond Her Campus, Maggie is involved in Women in Business, PRSSA, and a vice president for the Communication Club on campus. She looks forward to planning and executing events for students in her major this year! In her free time, Maggie loves exercising, reading, and anything self-care related! Additionally, she loves spending time with her friends and family, summers at the beach, and the fall in Fairfield!