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The Best Snacks To Have In Your Dorm Room

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

We all know that gaining weight in college is inevitable. However, if you’re smart about the food choices that you make after a night out, or the snacks you choose while you’re trying to crank out that History paper at 2 AM, you’re going to be in much better shape.

Here is a list of both healthy and tasty snacks that are much better for you than that Twix bar from the vending machine.

1. Baby carrots and hummus

So underrated, so good. Don’t forget that Vitamin A, collegiettes! 

2.  Apples and bananas

These will last much longer in your room than other fruits like strawberries, so stock up.

3. Popcorn  

If you’re a popcorn lover but don’t want all the added toxins of microwaveable popcorn, Skinny Pop will be your best friend. Your roommates will love you for this, and soon you’ll be fighting over it.

4. String cheese

String cheese is a great source of calcium. Make Mom happy by eating these if you’re not a milk fan to keep your bones and teeth nice and strong. 

5. Nuts                       

Nuts are a great source of both protein and fiber. Almonds, cashews, and walnuts are excellent choices for snacking on in the library.  


Aileen is a senior communication major and marketing minor who resides in Westchester, NY. She is a Executive Features Editor at Her Campus Fairfield and loves online shopping, snuggling with her dog, and working out. the Follow her on Instagram @aklindy!
Gabriella is currently a junior at Fairfield University, where she is majoring in Marketing and minoring in Communications. She is Co-Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Fairfield with her roomie/best friend Pamela Grant! Gab can most likely be found with a Venti Starbs in hand, while wearing obnoxiously large sunnies (no shame), reading the most recent issue of Glamour Mag.