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Keeping Cool for Another Semester as Told by “Parks and Recreation”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

(We mean ‘keeping cool’ mentally, of course…because staying physically cool during September in Georgia is obviously impossible.)

As we start to get in the swing of the new semester, things quickly get hectic. The first week passes and my brain is stuck in summer mode; yeah, I’m going to class, but reading syllabi isn’t exactly an awakening experience. The second week approaches and assignments start rolling in…and fast. But wait—my school habits haven’t caught up yet! The stress begins. The pressure of a new year stares you in the face. The pressure to make up for last semester’s not-so-hot grade in stats is real. Time to pull it together.

This new semester, symbolic of the chance to restart and recuperate, feels more important than ever. With all this added drive and motivation to start the year off strong inevitably comes a sense of being overwhelmed. I mean, we’re all human right? This semester is the semester to keep those feelings in check. Making time for mental well being is imperative to maintaining control not only over your grades, but your life.

Here are a few ways to recharge and unwind around campus during those especially stressful weeks (when taking a deep breath just isn’t doing it):

  • Exercise: I know, this seems like an obvious one. I mean, we’ve all learned in Health 100 that certain types of exercise show decreased stress, but why aren’t we all doing them? With the best resources at our fingertips, we’d be missing out not to take advantage of the WoodPEC and all of its workout classes. It’s important to take time for your body and mind; make taking care of yourself as high of a priority as studying. So take a step back from your work and pop in your headphones to clear your mind for an hour on a cardio machine!
  • Find a Quiet Space at the Park: Lullwater Park is the most perfectly secluded spot to feel like you’re getting off campus without actually going far. Tucked away behind the trees and away from the noise of the city, this is the perfect place to recharge in a beautiful setting that makes you feel a little more in tune with yourself and with nature. Walk along the water, ride your bike, or picnic in the peaceful scenery that exists right outside main campus. And of course, take some artsy instagram pics while you’re at it.
  • Meditate: While I’m no expert on the matter, I can say that mediation is one of the best ways I find peace in my own busy life. Whether you do it at home, in the park, or in a more formal setting, it’s definitely something everyone should try to give a chance in their lives. If you want a better introduction from a pro, the Buddhist club holds beginners mediation sessions every Thursday in Canon Chapel. This is a phenomenal way to find your calm when you need it most. Instead of snapping when you feel overwhelmed, why not try something new to combat those feelings? Meditation has numerous mental and physical benefits, so it couldn’t hurt to try, right?

Here’s one last tip for good measure (although I know none of you will follow it anyway…)

  • Unplug: While I do see the irony in writing for a website that you’re all reading on your laptops and phones, I still had to toss this one in. If only for an hour, turn off your phone, turn off the computer, turn off your TV. Do whatever it is you feel like doing without the constant distraction of what everyone else is doing and saying. I find that I often become more overwhelmed when I’m trying to text friends and browse social media while I have a more relevant task in front of me. Without trying to sound preachy, stepping away from the screen is a great way to restore your sense of calm. (And no, sleeping doesn’t reall count as “unplugging”.)

Try not to forget about taking care of yourself while focusing so hard on grades this semester. Find what restores your serenity and go for it! Best of luck!