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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

After midterms, I finally had a minute to breathe and enjoy my “hallo-weekend.” Now, it’s back to the grind- I have three 10-page papers and a final exam.  

I have been scrappy recently, doing my baseline self-care (which looks different for everyone). I shower, light a candle, and get to work. I slowly realize this is not enough; maybe you are, too. 

I’ve been snappy, exhausted, and anxious this past week. Sometimes it feels like Thanksgiving is months away, and other times I realize how much I have to cram into three weeks.  

I have decided to call this the “Great Burn Out,” an experience that every student has around this time. Perhaps you are acting out of character, handing in assignments with no “look-over,” and running on no sleep.  

It is easy to joke about these things- I know I do. However, I decided this semester would be different for me. What we all do to fill our cups may look different, and that is okay! I wanted to share how I am getting back on track with my routine.  

♥ Crystals!!  

I took some time to go out with a friend to a crystal shop. I felt as though the energy in my room felt dark, so I bought a few different kinds of incense for peace-making, self-love, self-care, and even money-making! 

♥ Music 

Although my favorite artists are exceptionally talented, their music tends to be a bit of a downer. I have tried making playlists for confidence boosting, Monday morning motivation, etc…  

♥ Meditation 

Sometimes people see meditation on a self-care list and roll their eyes and say, “I can’t meditate!” Trust me, that was me too! Over the past year, I began listening to guided meditations and have become more in tune with my thoughts. I meditate once a day now and feel as though it is truly something I have mastered. It is a practice; therefore, the more you practice the better you will become!  

♥ Dancing it Out 

I am sure most, if not all, of us have seen the famous “Dance it Out” Grey’s Anatomy Scene, and sometimes we need to. My personal favorite right now is belting “Karma” by Taylor Swift and dancing around my dorm. It is a release of anger, anxiety, sadness, and so much more.  


Sometimes the need to study is unavoidable and we do not have the time for the perfect self–care routine, so pop over to Tatte and grab a coffee and a snack. There is nothing like a setting change. My personal favorite is Tatte’s new Squash Latte!  

♥ Social Gatherings  

Although jumping into bed after a long day of classes can be nice, putting yourself out there every once in a while is important. One of my favorite things to do is take the college’s offer of select free Museum visits or other city-discounted experiences. It is nice to remind yourself who you are outside of being a student.  

♥ Recognize that everyone is going through this! 

While it may be hard, try to have some grace and patience with people. Under copious amounts of stress, unfortunately, some may project their anger onto others. Try not to hold on too tightly to the comments that people may make about you; most of the time it reflects their own insecurities. 

♥ Being mindful of your interactions with others 

While sometimes difficult conversations are necessary, it is crucial to recognize that every student is going through this, too. It is a challenging time of the year. So, before you send a text, have someone proofread it. If you are going to have a difficult conversation with someone, take time to take care of yourself before and after. It is easy to say things out of spite, but it is not as easy to take them back. 

♥ Seek professional help 

Sometimes, our self-care tactics aren’t enough and that’s okay! Emmanuel has a great counseling center with emergency drop-in hours every weekday from 3:00 to 4:00. It’s so important to take care of yourself in these next few weeks.  

♥ Final thoughts to remember…  

It’s important to remember that not all self-care will make you feel good in the moment. Sometimes, it’s about challenging your current self in hopes of bettering your future self. These things are what work for me, and that doesn’t mean they have to work for you! 😊

Olivia Quercio

Emmanuel '25

Heyyy there!! Thanks for the click :) My name is Olivia Quercio and I use she/they pronouns.