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Snow Blows: How to Address Your Winter Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

It’s time to face it: For many college students, especially those in the Northeast, “Spring Semester” is the greatest misnomer there is. Where our friendly southern collegiate neighbors might have the privilege of sunbathing on the quad, most of us are left to bundle up in thermal underwear and avoid leaving our dorms from January to April, except for food and classes. Our cell phones and social media accounts become our main connection to the outside world beyond a five mile radius, and we have to call our parents regularly to reassure them that we have not succumbed to an untimely, wintery demise. However, winter affects far more than just our wardrobe and daily routine. For many, it can cause dire emotional stress.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is very common among college students. Essentially, the combination of the cold temperatures and a lack of natural sunlight can take an enormous toll on brain chemistry. It can result in decreased productivity, emotional irritability, and a decline in social interaction that can make what should be a memorable semester terrible.

However, winters in college don’t have to be like this. When you’re shelling out thousands of dollars annually for higher education, it’s important to make the most of every second, even the cold ones. SAD can be conquered or at least alleviated by making just a few adjustments to one’s daily schedule and routine.

1. Artificial Light is All Right

Most psychology professionals are aware of the correlation between light exposure and mood. Dark winter months mean a lack of energy and motivation. With this in mind, it can be beneficial to invest in a light therapy device that mimics sunlight and maintains circadian rhythms. Though it can be expensive, Boston students might be able to find something at City Target or CVS. If not, websites like Amazon carry fairly cheap models like this one.

2. Exercise is on the Rise

The benefits of exercise as an antidepressant are not hypothetical anymore. Many trials have been conducted to indicate that exercise can be more effective than mood altering drugs. Additionally, exercise is known to promote neurogenesis, meaning it enhances both your mood and mental functioning. Get your cardio in and soon you’ll be far more alert and content.

3. Keep on Keepin’ on

Do what you’ve been doing. Don’t allow a bit of slush or black ice to quash your plans to go to the MFA with a friend or have a coffee date on Newbury Street. Pull on your extra-traction snow boots and do it Shia LaBeouf style. Curling up in bed with some hot chocolate and Parks and Recreation can be great, but remember that things like snowball fights are what winter was made for. Spring will be here soon.


Your school should have a counseling center designed to deal with problems just like this. Make a couple of appointments and be proactive about your mental health!

Emily is a senior *gulps* at Emmanuel College with a great passion for psychology, writing, and theatre. She loves animals, movies, museums, and smiling. Bukowski is her favorite poet, and she identifies with Tina Belcher on a very strong spiritual level. 
Sammy is a senior at Emmanuel College, majoring in English: Communications & Media Studies with a minor in Music-Theater. She discovered Her Campus through College Fashion Week: Boston, and has since re-launched Emmanuel's chapter and become a National Intern. On campus, Sammy gives weekly tours as an Admissions Ambassador, is a member of the Honors Program and stars in an as many theatrical productions as possible. She was also an Orientation Leader for the Class of 2019. Outside of school, she works as a sales associate at Charlotte Russe and manages a personal style blog called Backyard Beauty. An obsessive organizer, social media addict and fashion maven, Sammy dreams of living a lavish life as a magazine contributor in New York City after graduation. Follow her on Twitter @sammysays19 and Instagram @backyardbeautyxo or visit backyardbeautyxo.tumblr.com/.