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10 Things That Go Through Your Mind When Looking at Apartments

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

1. Do I have to do this?

Everyone loves the luxuries that come with on-campus living: the pre-made meals, easy commute and lack of responsibility. There comes a time, though, when living off campus is the better, and sometimes, only option for college students as they get closer and closer to graduation. And every student—whether they are excited or terrified for this huge change—will ask themselves the same question: Do I have to do this?

2. Does this mean I have to be an adult now?

Once you step into an apartment and hear about all the extra expenses, new responsibilities and independence that comes with the tiny square footage, it raises the question of whether or not you are ready to be an adult. Don’t worry though, you are. You just don’t know it yet. 

3. I will never be able to afford an apartment!

Money. Money. Money. Even though most students who decide to live off campus do so for financial reasons, there is no denying that apartments aren’t cheap. When you think about rent, utilities and food, it feels like more money than the thousands of dollars you pay in one bill to the school. In the end, you could be saving so much money. And even though you are paying it now, you don’t have to pay it back later… plus interest!

4. Will I be able to handle the commute?

No more rolling out of bed five minutes before class. Now you have to get up significantly earlier and truly prepare for the day, because you are a half an hour away from campus. And now you aren’t just walking to class, but taking public transportation. You get to stand in a crowded, dirty train, with strangers every day. Doesn’t that sound great? 

5. Will I understand my lease agreement?

Every new experience can be confusing, and signing and reading a lease is no exception. There’s a lead paint safety clause, a toxic mold clause and a million pages outlining what you can and cannot do. Unfortunately, the phrase, “what does this mean?” will constantly run through your mind while reading. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, though. It is better to spend an extra hour to sign something you completely understand, than go blindly into a new lease; your first lease! Parents are always a good resource for this stage.

6. I can make my own meals

It’s such an exciting thing to actually choose what you get to eat. Instead of falling prey to whatever the cafeteria prepares, or the greasy food it sells, you can have a say in what you eat. It’s great for people who have a hard time eating on campus—myself included—because you can control the fats and oils and actually know what you’re putting in your mouth. That’s not always the case when you eat on campus.

7. I have to make my own meals

Even though the freedom to eat what you want is there, you cannot ignore the downsides. Sure, you can choose what you want, but you have to pay for it. Then prepare it. Then clean up. It’s sometimes hard to adjust to the cooking life because when going to college, even with all the independence it gives you, cooking for yourself has never been a priority.

8.  I can drink a glass of wine in my living room with no repercussions

Oh yes. You can drink off campus without fear that RAs will bust through the door and bust you. Sure you have the cops to worry about, but who says a glass of red wine at dinner is illegal?

9. How am I going to fit all my stuff?

Move in day is monumental for any apartment complex that houses college students. There is a sea of beds, furniture, TVs and other objects that should realistically not fit in the narrow hallways of the apartment building. Still, people somehow manage, and when scouting out for apartments, you can’t help but wonder if your desk and full-size mattress will actually fit.

10. I can finally have a party

Party! It’s always hard to have a party on campus. Between campus police and Residence Life, there isn’t a lot of wiggle room for ragers. Off-campus student apartments are oftentimes the places where the parties are. Now, with your own apartment, you can finally host that ’80s themed party you’ve always wanted. 

I am a Writing, literature, and Publishing Major. I love Netflix, food, and sleep. College lets me experience all 3 of my favorite things simultaneously.
Emerson contributor