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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

As a first-year in college, I know more than anyone how hard it is to be away from home- 780 miles to be exact. Being away from family and friends is upsetting, however, I’m here to tell you how you can cope with homesickness!

  1. Keep in touch with friends.

    It’s important that while at school you keep in touch with your friends that may be far away. In my experience, most of my friends went to colleges across the country, far away from me. If I’m feeling down, I know that I always have them to call. Group facetime is a great way to keep in touch with a group of friends!


    Okay, so I know everyone will tell you this, but truly the best thing you can do when feeling homesick is to call your mom or a guardian close to you. Before I went to school, I hated calling my mother. But since college, I call her to the point of annoyance: from telling her what I had for dinner, to what shoes I wore out. I promise you, your mom is your very best friend and is always there to help.

  3. Keep track of the days until break.

    Keeping track of the days until I get to go home and see my family and friends helps me get through homesickness. I like to use countdown apps and reminders to keep myself motivated.

  4. Decorate your room with photos of loved ones.

    To make yourself feel more at home, decorating your dorm room with photos of family and friends is a great idea. I have photos of my best friends, triplet brothers, and parents all around my room. It is also a good idea to keep your dorm room comfy and clean so you have a homey place to go back to at the end of the day.

  5. Live in the moment.

    All aside, it’s important to live in the moment. You are in college. It is your time to thrive, be happy, and indulge yourself in your campus. New, amazing people and opportunities surround you. The worst thing you can do at this time is neglect these opportunities. Do not let homesickness consume you and try your best to be happy!!

Chloe Adams is a Campus Correspondent at Elon University entering her senior year.