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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

If you haven’t already, you’re probably trying to start your new year’s fitness journey! Whether you’ve started or not, I am going to give you a few tips to keep going all year long!

Don’t fall into a trap and think that it’s too hard to do or you don’t have the time! DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES! There’ s no reason why you can’t change your lifestyle without taking up hours of your day or breaking your budget. Don’t focus on the end goal just yet. It’s the little things that count towards your success every day! 

1. PlanFirst off, you should have some sort of planner/fitness tracker app. It is a must to keep your day on track. Especially when you have lots going on during the day. And you want to remember your goal and what you are eating/doing.

2. Meal Prep

Prepare your meal the night before! This will keep you on track and will stop you from making unhealthy meal decisions. It will also stop you from getting that muffin from Starbucks because you forgot to make lunch that morning. Your diet is the most important part of a good fitness and healthy lifestyle plan so make sure it is one of the top priorities in your daily routine.

3. Look Online If you don’t want to buy those expensive workout plans, the world is at your fingertips to look up workouts online. My favorite is Pinterest and Youtube workouts, and the best part is that they’re all easily accessible without a membership. There are thousands of things you can search up just type in “workout for *insert target area here*” also there are so many meal options and just search up “healthy recipe for *insert desired food here*”.    

4. Look at Memberships There are also hundreds of memberships you can buy if you think that will help you reach your goals better! Some of my personal favorites are Love Sweat Fitness, Daily Burn, 30 Day Fitness Challenge, Sweat-Kayla Itsines. There are hundreds more you may like, just research to find the one that fits you best! 

5. Grab a Buddy

Bring a buddy alongside with you to have the motivation to keep going and keep your goals in line. Starting a healthy lifestyle and keeping on track is not always easy and having someone doing the exact same thing as you will make it that much easier. It will remind you and make sure you are not falling out of line.

6. Be Realistic   No one has that much self-control. It is actually worse for you to keep yourself from that chocolate cake you have been craving for the past 2 weeks. It’s all about moderation. Use that planner and create a goal. Once you complete that goal, give yourself a reward. Just remember what you are eating and the amount you are consuming.

Now that you have these 6 quick tips… Don’t wait! Start accomplishing your goals today. It does not take more than a few minutes each day to start the small changes. Even with the busiest moms, students and workers, there are always a few extra minutes in your day to make the small changes that matter.



Morgan is a Communications Major at Drexel University.She is Currently the Event Coordinator for Drexel's chapter. She is into travel, cooking and Fitness/wellness and may spend a little too much time online shopping.