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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

DePaul’s six-week winter breaks feels sweet. There’s just enough time to recover from Fall Quarter, prepare for Winter Quarter and enjoy the holiday season. DePaul’s spring break, however, feels cruel. How can we recover, recuperate and prepare for Spring Quarter in just one week (or four days)? It feels nearly impossible. No matter how hard we wish for a longer break, the syllabi come barreling in day one of week one of Spring Quarter as our friends at semester schools prepare for finals. But if we can push past our jealousy, we can see the opportunity ahead of us. Fall Quarter was fun, Winter Quarter was rough and Spring Quarter can be your best. Here are 5 ways to make sure it is:


1. Take note of big due dates as soon as you receive your syllabi. As the weather becomes warmer and the days feel longer, it will be hard to focus on school assignments. Writing important due dates down ahead of time and planning how you will get your work done will prevent you from forgetting them.

(Photo courtesy of memecrunch.com)

2. Make lists. Or find another *effective* way to manage your time. This way you can spend more time in the sun and with your friends, but still get all of your work done

(Photo courtesy of Giphy)


3. Make a countdown to the last day of school. No, we’re not in grade school anymore. But it can be difficult watching your friends kick it at the beach while you’re crying in the library. A countdown will remind you that a quarter really isn’t as long as it feels10 weeks and you’re out of here!

(Photo courtesy of giphycat)


4. Use your professor’s office hours. Though there are only 10 weeks left, it’s not too late to make a positive impression on your professors (a.k.a. the future authors of your letters of recommendation). Stop by, ask them a few questions and build a few relationships


(Photo courtesy of the Oddesy)


5. Make time for self-care. Whether a run, three hours binge-watching Scandal or your favorite cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop. Make time *every day* for a little self care.

(Photo courtesy of Hijacked)


DePaul '19 Journalsim, Public Relations and Advertising major. Diet coke is my favorite & so is eating in general. Watching Scandal, Once Upon a Time & listening to Demi Lovato are my pass times.