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How To Create The Perfect Morning Routine For You!! 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DCU chapter.

Building your Routine 101 

With the mornings getting darker and the weather getting colder, it is becoming increasingly tempting to snooze the alarm a couple more times than we would wish to admit. A solid morning routine is key to setting your day up right. I know at 7am on Wednesday, the benefits of staying in your warm bed may feel like they outweigh those of sticking to an established morning routine, but with practice and consistency, it gets easier, I swear! By building a routine that works for you, it should no longer feel like a chore and hopefully minimize the sense of dread initiated by the alarm in the morning. 

Keep it simple 

Okay, so first thing is first, I know it’s exciting implementing new habits and it’s great to get ambitious, but, we really want this one to stick. So the first tip: keep it simple. You do not need to have written 3 assignments, walked your dog and won a Nobel Peace Prize all before 9am. Now, I am not saying aim low, we still want to be productive, but the key to a good routine is consistency, and this won’t happen if we make it unattainable. Try to balance implementing some productive habits, alongside allowing some time for yourself. This will help us create a more realistic and enjoyable routine, one that we can really stick to, and not just because we have to, but because we enjoy it, so we want to. 

Planning Ahead 

Next, is planning and preparation, having a plan and a structure will really help motivate you and keep you accountable in the morning. Try to take a few minutes the night before to plan the next day ahead and to plan your outfit. This way when that alarm goes off, you know exactly what you need to get done and why it’s important to get up and start now. Having an outfit ready removes the last-minute stress of finding something to wear. You can roll out of bed and know you’re going to look cute today without rummaging through the wardrobe. 

Eat Breakfast 

Planning and prepping go hand in hand with my next tip, which is to have breakfast. Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. You literally could not pay me to skip it. Prepping it the night before ensures I never have to, I can literally just grab it as I run out the door. Prepping a nourishing breakfast takes five minutes the night before and it means you have a healthy meal ready to go, with no time or thought required. It starts your day right, fuels you for the coming hours ahead, and not to mention, it saves you money on the inevitable shop dash for random snacks before lectures.

Healthy Habits 

So at this point, we are motivated, fueled, dressed well and sticking to our schedule, so if we can, let’s try to implement a new healthy habit. It does not have to be crazy, it can be something as simple as drinking a glass of water. Pick an area you want to improve on, is it to move more? Then see if you can implement a fifteen-minute yoga flow or walk in the mornings. Or maybe try to read ten pages of a book or journal instead of scrolling on your phone when you first wake up. Pick something you want to improve on and try to implement it into your routine. 

Keep You at the Forefront 

One key thing to remember when establishing your perfect morning routine is that it’s YOUR perfect morning routine. What works for one person may not work for you. If it doesn’t suit your needs, you’re not going to enjoy it, and certainly not going to stick to it long-term. So tailor it to you, what you enjoy and what you want to improve on. Keep in mind, that you are always changing, and as your routine is reflective of you, this might also change. Try to allow for some flexibility. Implementing a healthy habit once or twice a week is much better than not at all, so go easy on yourself and don’t give up if you don’t stick to every element every day. Your morning routine should be something you look forward to every day, so hopefully, when that alarm goes off tomorrow, these tips make your morning a little bit easier to navigate!

I am a student in Dublin City University, currently in the final year of my law degree. I work part time as a store supervisor and love everything fashion. I am passionate about health and wellness. I love running and pilates. I also love to cook and and bake and am always trying out new recipes. I also abolsutely love to travel. I am living just outside Dublin at the moment, last year I spent a year abroad studying in Valencia, and even though I love Ireland, I am excited to hopefully move abroad again after my degree.