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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dalhousie chapter.

Relationships can be a rollercoaster of emotions – and this is something that I have been told my whole life. 

However, I never really thought about what would happen if my partner was out of my life completely until it actually happened to me. It can be easy to remain stuck thinking that nothing else matters in the world except for that one person. But then, what do you do when they’re gone? 

I want to share how my experience with breakups has helped me see that looking to the future is the only way to get through.

The initial feeling of losing a SO really sucks. The feeling of not wanting to eat, thinking to yourself, “how am I supposed to get up today without them here.” Feeling as though you can barely breathe. All of these are things that I experienced. Being in this place for a relative amount of time is normal. 

My biggest saviors were iced coffees, drives with friends and music. A little pick me up never hurt anyone! The thing that helped the most was getting out into the world again, and I know that this is easier said than done. Having people in your life to help push you to do so is the best thing. My favourite distraction was going on drives to the shore with my closest friends and blasting music while singing at the top of our lungs. It just makes you feel so free. 

I hope that everyone is able to find something that brings them this amount of joy. The feeling of pure joy allowed me to see what life was all about once again. I would highly recommend listening to this playlist I made on Spotify for a friend when she was going through her breakup. 

The playlist is titled We Over It, and makes you feel like a straight up queen who can conquer anything. 

 If you are looking for something a bit more relaxed, here is another playlist I made titled Get In Your Feelz.

The art of daydreaming is another aspect of my process that helped push me out of my slump. I’m sure that we have all daydreamed before, letting our thoughts run wild for hours. For me, this was thinking about where life could take me next. 

In turn, I tried to focus on myself. What do I want to do? Where do I see myself in the next five years? Really let your mind wander. This was a huge help for me. It allowed me to see that there was so much more out there. 

 Why worry about this small trauma in your life when there is so much of your future to look forward to? You could meet the love of your life anytime, anywhere. Try to get back out into the dating scene when you are ready. There are so many options nowadays with numerous dating apps. They can be risky business, but I know that for some they have worked wonders. Joining clubs, going out to bars and talking to the cute person that sits beside you in class are only some of the ways to get yourself back out there. All you have to do is try! 

Just remember, you are worth it. If someone does not give you their all, they are not worth your time. 

It is okay to focus on yourself for awhile too. In all our lives, things can get busy and a relationship is not always the answer. For some, it can complicate everything. I would recommend just keeping the door open. You never know when you will find that special someone who will make your heart smile again. 

A great article to take a look at if you are seeking more advice is this one from TheHealthy.com. It lays out some tips for moving on from a relationship featuring expert voices: 


Another great outlet for helpful advice is listening to some inspirational speakers on Tik Tok. They can provide some inspiring words to help you through breakups or just everyday life issues. Some Tik Tokers that I recommend you check out are:

https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8H1RwC8/– @_salsaverdehttps://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8uonrDe/ – @sergios.talks

Darsi is a general writer for Her Campus Dalhousie. She is in her fourth year as a student at Dalhousie. Travel writing, journaling and writing daily affirmations are some of the ways she enjoys putting her thoughts out into the world. Writing is a passion that she wants to explore. Some important things in her life are music, traveling, food culture and taking care of plants.