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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

As I am navigating through my 20s, I have come to the consciousness of the importance of inner growth and living in the present as time passes, and things change every day, which doesn’t always make it easy in terms of healing. Healing isn’t linear, but the best thing you can do for yourself is to dig deeper and intentionally work on yourself, getting to know you and what you want in this life. You are capable of much more than you think, so please don’t let the external world tell you otherwise. Here are five things to remind yourself of when healing and feeling lost.

Healing Isn’t Linear; Take Your Time

Woman sitting alone on beach
Photo by Cody Black from Unsplash
The heeling process can feel like a never-ending pendulum. Be gentle with yourself and know when to give yourself a break.

Do What’s Best for You

Do whatever you put your mind and energy into. If something didn’t work out, another thing would keep pushing. You owe it to yourself to explore your purpose. We all have something within us that this world needs.

It’s Okay to Still Be Figuring Things Out

You are right where you need to be. Everything aligns for you. Focus on what helps your growth and happiness. Follow your own goals and desires. Don’t settle, though. There’s a whole world out there.

There Is Still So Much Awaiting You

Our past does not define us. Every day is a chance to improve and be better. Healing often feels lonely, but know that there are still many more beautiful moments. You are loved and capable. Whatever is informing you is transforming you be feed your mind and body with inner light and peace.

Change Is Uncomfortable but Necessary

Women siting on her bed
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz from Unsplash
Nothing is permanent, so use that to your advantage. Make the most of every moment, be present, love your surroundings, and explore all that life offers. If a plan doesn’t work, don’t be afraid to change the course of it. Set healthy boundaries and remember you deserve so much more.

We are not meant to stay the same. Don’t let old chapters define you. Know that you are loved and capable of doing what you need to do for yourself. The rest will follow. I hope this reminds you that there is no set timeline, but to live in the present and appreciate your surroundings.