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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

With midterms coming up life can be stressful. All you can think about is that math test you must pass to get that 4.0, but to get that A, sometimes you need to walk away and de-stress. Here are some helpful ways to help you de-stress and get through those midterms. 

Watch a movie 

Any type of movie can take your mind off a test and make you relaxed.


Cleaning isn’t always everyone’s way to de-stress, but it helps just get your mind off of things, and get you organized! In the end, you have a clean room! 


Baking cookies, muffins, or a cake could just take your mind off things and focus your mind on something else! 


Music in general, listening to or playing your own instrument can take any stress away for a moment.


Coloring sounds like something only kids do when they’re bored but sitting down with some markers and an adult coloring book helps when you can’t sleep or just need to step away from the books for a moment.

If you have any other ways to de-stress leave us a comment below!



Her Campus CWU Social Media Director / Treasurer / Writer  Senior at Central Washington University  Major: Public Relations Minor: Event Managment Zodiac: Cancer ♋︎