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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Concordia CA chapter.

Midterm exams are one of the most stressful times of the year for students. Most of us have exam upon exam, and it can certainly get overwhelming. One thing I have noticed is that a large number of people, including myself, are forgetting one important thing: health. Especially during the times where you have a lot going on, caring for yourself should be one of your main priorities, and there are a few ways to help do that.


1. Stay hydrated

Keeping water on hand is one of the most important things to do in any situation. It is especially important during midterms. When studying long hours and writing papers, it can be tough to remember to drink water instead of coffee. Dehydration is not a good feeling especially when you’re supposed to be staying on track with things. Try to keep a reusable water bottle on hand so you can fill up when you need!


Vodka soda lime
Ingrid Marinak


2. Eat good food

While eating McDonalds is technically better than nothing, many studies have shown that fast food can tend to make you feel more sluggish afterwards. This will leave you to possibly feel unmotivated and too tired to continue focusing on your work. When possible, try to opt for some good, healthy study snacks! I love to snack on either popcorn or hummus and carrots, which are light enough to keep me from feeling bloated, but nutritious enough to fuel my energy!


Christin Urso / Spoon


3. Take a step back

As students, midterms are one of our main priorities. Nobody can study for ten hours straight, though. If you feel as though you can’t take it and need a little break, go for it! Take a walk, have a snack, or direct your attention to something else for a while. Clearing your head will help you from feeling overwhelmed and give you a chance to recharge before getting back into studying.


Kristen Bryant-Girl Lounging Relax Logo 1
Kristen Bryant / Her Campus


4. Get enough sleep

The one thing I have heard from the mouths of many of my friends in the past few weeks has been, “I haven’t slept in forever!” My sleep schedule has also been thrown off track with all the things I have to do, but I do notice that when I sleep better, I perform better. Being too tired only makes me miserable, which then makes me not want to do anything at all. Your body can’t function off no sleep; you are not a zombie. Sleeping a healthy number of hours is vital in keeping you healthy during these stressful few weeks.


Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash


5. Remember to prioritize yourself

In the end, nothing comes before your health, and that is something that unfortunately, many people seem to forget. Studying is important as everyone wants to get the best grades they can, but it’s no use making yourself physically sick over it. Remember that you are only human, and trying your best is the best you can do. Remember to care for yourself and make your studies and also, your health, a priority during this midterm season.


Kheyra King

Concordia CA '21

Kheyra King is a Montreal-born city girl studying English Literature at Concordia University. She is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Concordia and the Vice President of Recruitment of Delta Phi Epsilon. She loves coffee dates, traveling and pasta. You will definitely catch her studying at the local Starbucks or Webster Library.
Kami Katopodis

Concordia CA '19

President of HC Concordia • Poet • Major in Human Relations • Minor in Diversity in the Contemporary World •